Chapter five

Dinky and Boomer flew up to a tree and landed on a branch.

Dinky: Is this it, Boomer?

Boomer: Oh sure, Dinky. This is the place. I never forget a tree. I never forget a tree. Hoo hoo hoo.

Dinky hopped along the branch.

Dinky: He won't get away this time. Heh heh heh.

He poked his head out of the hole and looked around.

Dinky: Hold it, Boomer. I think I hear something.

Boomer: Oh that's him alright, Dinky. That's him alright. Hoo hoo hoo.

Dinky: Shh shh.

Dinky: Get ready, Boomer.

Dinky: Hey! I can hear him movin'. Listen.

Boomer pressed up against the trunk to listen, squashing Dinky between him and the tree.

Boomer: Funny. I don't hear nothin'.

Dinky: Shh! Quiet.

Boomer struggled to listen as Dinky struggled to get some space.

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