Chapter six
Chief sniffed the air. |
Chief: Aw shucks. That's easy. The master's just cooking grits and fatback. You oughta know
that. |
Copper shook his head.
Copper: Uh-uh. That's not what I smell. |
Copper: I don't know, Chief. It's something else. |
Chief smiled at Copper and laughed.
Chief: Sonny, you've got a lot of learnin' to do about a-sniffin' and a-smellin'. |
Chief: Hey where're ya goin'? |
Copper: I wanna find out what that smell is. |
Chief: Okay, Copper, but the master ain't gonna like you wanderin' off. |
Copper: I won't get lost, Chief. I can smell my way back. |
Chief: Huh. Can't tell these young whipper-snappers anything. |
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