This is the best way to get max speed playing ra w/o changing any keys except bookmarks..

Bookmarks F9, F10, F12 are changed to Z, W, R..  Click here for a listing of each keys number.

Download this Redalert.ini and put it in your redalert folder.. or use your own redalert.ini and change the following..

This changes Bookmarks F9, F10, F11 to W, Z, R.


This makes 2, 4, 6, 8 on the Numeric keypad scroll the map. ( It helps you set a good war bookmark )


To use this color ( neon/sky blue ) you must be the host.


This is how I use the keyboard for tanking..

Z = War factory bookmark.   THUMB uses Z.   TIP: Use the numeric keypad arrows to scroll map and set perfect postion on map. Best used if you are using E (select all) and don't want the truck to be selected.

W = Battlefield bookmark.    INDEX uses W , E , Q.

This is how I use the keyboard for infantry, building and when I don't need to make teams..

Index finder on H..  I keep my Barracks and War  factories close my CY.. The Index finger hits T (repair), Y (sell) and G (guard).

Middle finger on R.. R is the battle bookmark..  use the mouse hand to hit ctrl to make the bookmark.. or buy a microsoft laser mouse.. it has 3 programable buttons on it.. one is ctrl, one is shift and the top scroll button can be used also.. i set it to A (attack) to play starcraft, but in RA I use it to ally or I use my pinky to ally.

Ring finger on E (selects all).

Pinky on Q.. use Q to send out infantry and Q tanks. Pinky hits W & Z bookmarks & S (stop).

Thumb is not used.