Like I said before.. by default keyboard express will open if you ctrl + right click, this means you can get taken out of the game if you do that during a game. Fix that problem first! Open keyboard express and click Options, Program Activation Key, System Tray icon only. Then go back to Options and check "place in system tray".

There are 8 buttons to the right, the names explains itself. Click Add hotkey, pick out a hotkey to use and then click "Enter Keystrokes". Note the bottom right key named "Key up/dn" this button may be needed to do actions such as CTRL+1, because you need to hold down ctrl then press 1 then let ctrl back up.

The following hotkeys and codes that go with them are what I use and I think the way I use them is the most convient and fastest.

First do this.. put your pointer finger on H (primary CY), middle finger on R (bookmark), ring finger on E (selects all) and pinky on Q. Thumb will hold down ALT. Note: R must be a bookmark. Go here to learn how to make R a bookmark. You may want to use V as a bookmark to. Pointer finger also hits G, T, Y and V (V is extra bookmark if u need it). G = Guard (this works really well with Q in large tank fights) T = Repair, Y = Sell.

W and Z are my bookmark keys. Replace W and Z with the bookmarks you use. Default bookmark keys are F9-F12.

HOTKEY ***** CODE *****
End key (Resign) <F8>Good Game! :)<ENTER><SPACE><DELAY:01.50><SPKEY:0150><DOWN ARROW><DOWN ARROW><ENTER><ENTER>

ALT+Q Bookmarks current screen on the map, goes to base, selects all units on screen, adds units to team #1, returns to previous screen. Note: You must first create your war bookmark (z) before this hot key will work. Put war factories on screen and hold down ALT, SHIFT or CTRL and press z (or w/e your bookmark key is).

ALT+H and ALT+R is used when you can't use ALT+Q because of trucks that might get in the way. ALT+H Bookmarks current screen on the map, goes to base. ALT+R adds units to team #1, returns to previous screen.

Home (Create Game) <F2><SHIFTD><ALTD>g<SHIFTU><ALTU>h My Room! Come and play!.<ALTD>c<ALTU>
Page up (Paste Url) <F2><ALTD>s<ALTU>cGame? <CTRLD>v<CTRLU><ENTER>

F2 puts the blinking line in the type