Uncanny Adventures of
Great Saiyaman

Magic powered monsters, invincible alien warriors, and martial arts killers. The world is a dangerous place, but there is someone looking out for us, he is the Satan City guardian, the saiyan-knight, the defender of innocent and posing protector of justice the Great Saiyaman.
Since the battle with Majin Buu, Son Gohan has become more serious and determined to protect the people of earth from evil no matter how big of small the size of danger. But with the new protector has come new threats to endanger the world and challenge our hero. Old villains return more dangerous then ever. Allies take twisted turns becoming even greater enemies. And mysterious new comers enter the scene unclear if they are friend or foe. The Great Saiyaman is ever vigilant and with the help of his friends and allies, evil won’t know what hit them. In the Uncanny Adventures of the Great Saiyaman!

Great Saiyaman
Name: Son Gohan
Powers: Control of enormously powerful ki allows him flight, create energy blasts, and immense strength and dexterity.
Son Gohan has started taking his role as Saiyaman seriously and become a more powerful and determined protector.
Graduate of Orange Star High, Gohan now attends Satan City University. Allowing his mother to forgive his return to martial arts fighting.
Gohan has gotten an apartment at Capsule Corp. Lofts and has taken a part time job in a small convenience store.
Learning from past mistakes he continues his training even having sessions under his father Goku and former master Piccolo’s tutelage.

Scarlet Saiyaness
Name: Agra Luetona
Powers: Control of powerful ki allows her to fly, create energy blasts, and immense strength and dexterity.
The Scarlet Saiyaness was originally a solo villain trying to steal food and necessities to survive on the streets.
She joined forces with the largest crime boss in Satan City, Mirai quickly becoming his number one earner.
After receiving mental and physical abuse from the insane Mirai Saiyaness ended their partnership and went out on her own.
She has had several encounters with Great Saiyaman in her carrier fighting against him and occasionally alongside him.
Saiyaman has always tried to convince Saiyaness she should go straight and now
she is determined to make up for her life of crime by becoming a vigilante and beating down the criminals of Satan City.

Great Saiyaman 2
Name: Videl Satan
Powers: Limited ki control allows her to fly.
Videl has been the partner of Great Saiyaman, and friend to Gohan since high school though she has suited up to fight beside him less and less lately.
As Gohan has become more dedicated to crime fighting Videl has become more dedicated to police work becoming a full member of the SCPD.
Though they have dated several times since the Majin Buu incident, Videl and Gohan have never held a long lasting romantic relationship, this is even more strained as the busy schedules keep them separated.
Adding more trouble to the partnership is Videl’s jealousy over Gohan’s working with the former criminal Scarlet Saiyaness.

Great Saiyaboy
Name: Son Goten
Powers: Control of powerfully high ki allows him flight, create energy blasts, and immense strength and dexterity.
As a boy Goten idolized his older brother and was one of the few to fully support Gohan and his Saiyaman style.
He now is following in his brother’s footsteps taking on the costumed identity of the Great Saiyaboy.
While still living in the mountains with his family Goten flies to the city regularly and for emergency situations.
Saiyaboy has also formed and lead a team of young heroes, consisting of Trunks, Marron and Ubuu, calling themselves Generation Z.

Name: Diana
Powers: Advanced fighting, tracking and battle skills.
A successful well paid member of the Judgen society of bounty hunters, her job has put her in fights both against and alongside the heroes of Satan City.
Has been a long time friend of Agra’s, the story of their first meeting is still unknown.
Was once a close friend with Majin Buu before he’s turn into BuuFace.
Wears a special wrist activated grappling hook.

Name: Trunks Briefs
Powers: Control of powerful ki allows her to fly, create energy blasts, and immense strength and dexterity. Has the ability too morph his limbs into any solid metal object.
Mirai was once the hero from the future, Trunks, but through a horrible accident in his time machine his body has became infused with metal and he is stranded in the past.
Driven insane by the accident, Mirai is determined to destroy the world of the past to create the future he has lost.
Mirai has become a criminal mastermind and is the leader of Satan City’s organized crime.
He has used his knowledge of the Capsule Corporation to secretly finance and supplies his criminal empire.

Name: Brawny
Powers: Super Saiyan DNA gives him immense power, and an invincible level of strength.
Injecting the DNA sample of the legendary Super Saiyan Brolly that was once used to clone him into an unknown human the creature calling itself Brawny was born.
While he has all of the strength and ki of the original Brolly, Brawny has no control over his ki and instead relies on his incredible strength.
Brawny cognitive abilities have been severely damage, his first act as Brawny was to go on a destructive rampage.
After being captured by Saiyaman, Mirai freed Brawny and thanks to forced obedience has become his best criminal enforcer.

Name: Majin Buu
Powers: Magic being of great power allowing him to transform himself or anything else at will. Is completely invulnerable.
Once the kind and child like Majin Buu, a strange unknown accident caused the pure evil Buu to be reborn in him and take over part of Buu’s mind.
While his body more resembles the good fat Buu the evil Buu is the stronger and more dominant mind.
Before his accident Majin Buu had developed a close relationship to Judgen agent Diana.
Buu-Face’s conflicting personalities has kept his destructive evil potential in check, instead he simple attempts to take what ever he wants and plans to rebuild the world in his own image.

Name: Vira Satona
Powers: Saiyan DNA gives her a high ki power with ability to fly and fire ki blast. Has strong fighting knowledge encoded in her blood.
A clone created by Mirai combining the DNA of Agra and Videl.
Vira posses the strength and power of the Scarlet Saiyaness, the tactical and fighting knowledge of Saiyaman 2, and the teachings and beliefs of Mirai.
Vira was created to replace the Scarlet Saiyaness, her mind programmed so she is completely loyal and obedient to Mirai’s word and hopelessly devoted to him.
In her first mission Vira successfully captured Saiyaman and both of her genetic mothers, when they escaped Vira disappeared in the destruction of the building, her body has still not been recovered.

Story Summary

Eight years after the battle with Majin Buu, while his father and their friends see this as a peaceful time for relaxing and self training Son Gohan has heard the cries of the hundreds of innocent people of the world victims to crimes and injustice. Donning his red cape once more the college scholar spends his nights protecting the people of Satan City from any and all forms of danger. No job is to big now crime is to small for the Great Saiyaman. A third year student at the Satan City University, Gohan has also taken a part time job at a small grocery store in lower city neighborhood in order to better look out for those crimes to small to see from the sky. Thanks to his friend the self proclaimed genius inventor Bulma Briefs, he has been equipped with the best in high tech modern crime fighting equipment as well as a penthouse apartment in the Capsule Corp Lofts to house it all.

While Saiyaman is helping rid it of small crimes Satan City has now found its share of new uncanny super powered villains. It’s greatest is the insane criminal mastermind Mirai. Leader of Satan City’s organized crime Mirai is both brilliant and completely insane. Once the kind and brave fighter from an apocalyptic future Trunks, during his trip through time his time machine was damaged. He crashed in the present the accident affecting his mind and driving him insane as well was fussing the sword he once carried into his body. Now trapped in the past and calling himself Mirai he has vowed to recreate the world that knew by destroying this one. Knowing that the many fighters of this world would outnumber and eventually defeat him Mirai has instead planed to develop an army of powerful warriors and criminals and use them to destroy the world through crime and chaos. Fortunately for the city Saiyaman has been there to stop Mirai’s plans. While he has not been able to capture the man he once thought of as a close friend he has been able to keep his criminal attacks to a minimum and hold off Mirai’s plans for the cities destruction. This has only enraged Mirai who now seeks vengeance on Saiyaman along with the destruction of the world.
But Mirai is not the only criminal to wreck havoc on Satan City. When a group of high financed criminals discovered the remains of a cloning lab including a clone of a legendary super Saiyan they found a sample of the Saiyan blood. Rather then trying to create another clone these men chose to inject the blood into one of their own. The injected blood transformed this unknown hood into a giant massive muscled Saiyan monster. Immediately after transforming the creature known only as Brawny killed his creators and tore off on a rampage through Satan City. His destruction path was stopped by the Great Saiyaman who managed to trap him on a ship going far out to sea, but not before Brawny broke Saiyaman’s leg and both of his arms. Hearing of this creature Mirai set out and found the lost beast. He convinced the simple-minded behemoth to work and obey him, and injected a control chip into Brawny’s neck to insure that loyalty. Now Brawny has become Mirai’s key enforcer.
Once a sweet child like creature Majin Buu has suffered a mysterious accident that has brought back the dark and evil Majin Buu inside of him. Suffering with this split personality Buu has become Buu-Face a split between his good and dark halves. Thankfully for the earth and the universe the battle of control for one body has left Buu-Face with less then half the powers he once had. Instead of destroying the world Buu-Face has set his sights on the recreation of the world to fulfill his wants and desires. Buu-Face has been responsible for several strange and unexplained thefts through out the city from science labs to museums. He is also the cause of several freak disasters to the city, such as an tidal wave of chocolate and an attack by killer tomatoes. Thankfully while his plans and goals remain a mystery Saiyaman has kept these occurrences from harming any of the people of Satan City.

With these new powerful threats protecting the city and the world is not just a one man job. To help combat this trouble Saiyaman has had to in list his friends to join in his crusade against crime. His first sidekick Videl Satan continues to fight by his side as Saiyaman 2. Yet as she has gotten older Videl currently spends more and more of her time fighting crime with a badge as a lieutenant in the Satan City police department. With the growing number of super powered criminals appearing Gohan has fully supported Videl’s choice to stay out of the cape. Though this difference in activities has put a distance in their relationship, turning what was once a budding personal relationship into just a trusted friendship.
The new recruit to Saiyaman’s team is his little brother, Goten teaming up as the Amazing Saiyaboy. Goten has spent years spent idolizing his brother, and was one of the few supports of his heroic efforts and costume choice. When he found Gohan’s original Great Saiyaman costume Goten immediately put on the outfit and flew out to fight alongside his brother. Gohan was at first worried for the safety of his little brother but seeing the courage and dedication he has Saiyaman has fully embraced the help of young Saiyaboy.
Saiyaman’s greatest challenge has been dealing with the actions of reforming criminal Scarlet Saiyaness, Agra Luetona. As a solo villain, she spent nights trying to steal food and supplies to survive. Saiyaman could not help but feel sorry for her and, although he did not condone her behavior, he often allowed her to escape or even paid for her stolen goods. What Scarlet Saiyaness needed was a job and home, which was offered to her by Mirai. When Saiyaness joined the forces of the criminal Mirai, a bit of animosity between Saiyaman and Saiyaness grew as she fought him often purely as distraction for the real criminal acts of Mirai. Still Saiyaman could not hold any anger or hatred towards Saiyaness in battle. Despite her criminal acts he continued to see good in her and tried to get her to see it as well. Slowly Saiyaness started to hear his words and found his compassion endearing. Saiyaness was not happy as Mirai’s servant either. Mirai saw Agra as his property to use and abuse as he saw fit. Tired of the physical and mental abuse Agra fought back and force able broke free of Mirai. Having ended her partnership Saiyaness has found a new desire to go and make up for her criminal acts. However Saiyaman did not believe that her desire to go clean was real. Despite his disbelief she became a vigilante and began beating down criminals with much more force then Saiyaman would ever use. After seeing her desire to do good was real Saiyaman has agreed to work with her. Teaching her his ways and trying to tone down her violent actions and she helps him fight more crime then he ever could alone. As they worked together Saiyaman is seeing Saiyaness reach the good he always saw with her and close bond has formed between them.

Satan City has been paid visits by members of the secret peace keeping force known as the Judgen. Judgen Bounty hunters have come in search of the city’s most powerful criminals. The first of these hunters Diana turned out to be a long time friend and confidant of Agra. She agreed to try and work with Saiyaness and Saiyaman to capture her prime target Mirai. However when their attempts failed the Judgen sent another bounty hunter, known as the Water Dragon. His attempts to capture Mirai left many of Mirai’s paid thugs dead and parts of the city destroyed. Forcing Saiyaman and his allies to stop the Water Dragon by force before anymore lives were endangered by his assassination attempts. The Judgen have called off their bounty hunters for now but the bounties put on those in Satan City are still open.
If that was not enough, after Scarlet Saiyaness’s desertion of him Mirai set about a mad attempt to replace her. Taking her team up with Saiyaman as another personal insult he chose to use the DNA of both of Saiyaman’s female partners and clone them together. He created Vira a killer who possessed all the power and knowledge of both Agra and Videl, but the mental programming and conditioning set by Mirai making her both the criminal assets and prized servant he has wanted of Saiyaness. In Vira’s first mission she was able to capture Saiyaman, Saiyaness and Saiyaman 2. Thanks to the help of Saiyaboy the three escaped and a large battle between them and Mirai’s forces ensued. In the battle the Capsule Corp warehouse Mirai has used to house his cloning lab was destroyed. While our heroes and Mirai escaped, Vira was lost in the explosion. Her body was not found in the remains and she is very likely still at large.
During that battle the Scarlet Saiyaness was badly hurt and Saiyaman saw himself felling more concerned for her safety then he had ever felt about anyone. While helping Agra recover Gohan admitted this to her and how he had always seen in her the good and heroic person she had become. Agra shared her own long hidden feelings of love towards him that she had since they first met. After a long time of playful flirtations, compassion, and a growing friendship a real romance began between the Great Saiyaman and the Scarlet Saiyaness.

Gohan has sworn to continue to help everyone he can as the Great Saiyaman. While his number of adversaries grows so do his allies. All those whose evil deeds harm and endanger others beware the champion of justice the Great Saiyaman is here to stay.


Great Saiyaman and related DBZ characters © to Akira Toriyama. Uncanny Adventures of Saiyaman based on Saiyaman RPG (2000) © copyright to Maria Ochoa and Daniel Yarbrough of Uncanny DBZ.