Saturday, June 5, 1999
7:15 PM
Ahh!! I have way too much energy right at this moment. Just loaded all my survival gear into the car. Patiently (HA!) awaiting Incredibly Lucky Linda's phone call. Supposed to leave DE in 15 minutes, and I need to stop for film and gas first. I hope I don't die tonight on the street. Tomorrow is Alan's final performance!!!
8:10 PM
On our way to Studio 54. Left much later than planned. Mad driving to NY.
9:00 PM
On Jersey Turnpike. See fireworks off in the distance.
ILL: "They must be to celebrate Alan's final evening performance. Or, maybe they're just from Six Flags."
10:30 PM
Arrive at 54th St. garage. Run to stage door to wait for Alan. Mean security people working the door.
11:00 PM
Aimee & Eliza arrive (with collage for Alan--looks Fab!) Meet Celia & Andrea.
Sunday, June 6, 1999
12:15 AM
Alan finally appears, looking adorable as usual. Black tank top with green cargo pants. Lemonhead is gone! Looks good. Got second pic with Alan. :-)
12:30 AM
Head to front of theatre to wait in line for tomorrow's tickets. Grab beach chairs and sleeping bags from car.
12:35 AM
HORROR!!! Sign on door says "Only 2 rush tickets are available for 6/6/99 matinee" Two people already in line ahead of the four of us. Make decision to wait it out anyway (just in case).
1:35 AM
Some interesting people have already passed by. Several inquiring groups whom we explain our obsession to. "What show are you waiting for?" as we sit underneath the huge lighted Cabaret marquee. First scary guy has appeared: older gentlemen with accent who can't understand us. Won't go away!! "You are so pretty. Such nice skin. How old are you? Where are you from? Are you Spanish?"
1:45 AM
Decide to make pit stops at the Crowne Plaza. Aimee & Eliza head out first (safety in numbers!). Two men appear while they're gone: Antonio & Stefano. Seemed nice enough at first. Linda asks for a picture with them. Start to grope her so she sends them on their way. Hot, but scary.
2:15 AM
Linda and I head to 49th for our pit stop. There is so much that is still open, I can't believe it. Grab a lemonade on the way back...I'm so thirsty!
3:00 AM
Very, very tired. Must stay awake. We're all weird now from lack of sleep. Making up own lyrics. Only 7 more hours to go!
4:00 AM
Linda & Eliza are asleep. It is really quite cold now. I'm afraid to go to the car now by myself to get my sweater. The sun will be rising in a couple of hours. So tired.
5:15 AM
The sky has begun to get lighter. Dawn is almost here. Still extremely cold.
6:00 AM
The sun has made its daily appearance. Marina & friends have joined our line. Gaining confidence for general admission tickets being available.
6:20 AM
Head to Crowne Plaza again. Broadway is so calm and peaceful at this hour. Not a soul in sight. No cars on the street.
6:45 AM
Time to paint fingernails green. Aimee & I break out the green "nail varnish" and get to work.
8:15 AM
Breakfast time! Eliza and I head to 24-hour bagel shop on the corner for a wee bite. Lots of people in line by this time. Seem to think that the four of us know what's going on. Keep coming down our way to ask us questions.
9:00 AM
Eliza & Linda off to Crowne Plaza. The gate has just been raised at Studio 54. Maybe they'll let us in early??
9:20 AM
Still waiting outside. Employee appears and tells us that there are no general admission tix for today's show. Might have some orchestra seats left.....
10:00 AM
Moment of truth. We're all ushered into the lobby for the ticket announcement. "Two $25 tickets, 6 orchestra, 2 mezzanine..." didn't hear the rest of it. Eliza & I start bawling. Our overnight stay paid off! Even better, an entire orchestra table is available "It's quite a good table..." (table 301) and the four of us snatch it up. HOORAY!!!! We're seeing Alan's last show!!
10:30 AM
Meet at Star Dust Diner for brunch. Aimee is the Keeper of the Tickets and we all guard her from muggers and ask constantly "Do you still have the tickets?" Meet up with Lisa and Lis and her granny. Pefectly marvelous breakfast.
11:50 AM
Changed at restaurant, now in stunning pick dress. "Must look my best for Alan's final performance." Find Alexandra and her mum at Studio 54. Meet many more list mates. (Hello Everybody!!)
1:00 PM
Studio 54 is like a huge party. I know so many people here!! Rachel and her mum and Drora are sitting right in front of us. Carmine is across the aisle. John Travolta is down front. Ron Rifkin is a couple tables away. Meet Jason. Lis comes downstairs to talk to us. Usher passes by and asks, "How did you snag this table?" (Well, we did have ILL with us!)
1:55 PM
Yell at Kit Kat girls and boys to go back to dressing rooms. Don't want the show to start!! Entire cast is onstage now for warmups (excluding Alan). So many hugs and kisses going around. So much love in the air! Marina stops by our table to say hello. She has table seats in orchestra right on the aisle. Could get chosen during audience participation time....
2:10 PM
Darkness. Drum roll. Cymbal crash. Peep door opens. The Emcee's eyes appear. MAD APPLAUSE!!!! The door opens and the Emcee enters. MORE MAD APPLAUSE from the audience. Huge grin on Alan's face (never seen him break out of character before). Opening delayed to thunderous applause. Alan, we will miss you!!!
3:45 PM
Intermission. Tissues busted out already. Retreat to Alexandra for support:
B: When do I get my Playbill (with an evil grin on her face)?
A: We have no Playbills here (in her best Alan impersonation). Love her.
4:01 PM
Audience Participation Time! Alan comes out, more mad applause. Signals us to stop. Please don't go Alan!!
4:50 PM
The final performance of Alan Cumming! Thank you, Alan! Bye Bye! Kit Kat girls are all a mess on stage. All in tears. Mary McCormack bawling on stage. Alan seems ok until Todd Haimes gives his speech. Held Mary's hand the entire time. His make-up is running from his tears. Wonderful speech by Todd....Alan gives a speech so moving and us a love poem as a present and a thank you. How can you not love this man? I'm a mess at this point. Just call our table "The Sobbing Table." All my tissues are gone. Sad, sad day for Cabaret.
5:10 PM
Stage door waiting for Alan to come out. Meet Rebecca, Owner of Pants. John Travolta comes out. Extra barriers up today. So many people waiting, they're even out in the street. Alexandra eventually joins our group. Ask security guy if Alan will have time to sign stuff "Maybe..." Guy comes over to Linda from inside the theatre. "You were the ones who slept out all night, right?" Yes..."Alan was really moved by that. He thinks it's so touching...." Oh, my God. A message from Alan himself. Awesome. Alan know about us. Alexandra confirms our popularity. "All the house ushers were talking about the girls who spent the night out front." Richie, the security guy (and new friend to Linda) also confirms this. "Yeah, Alan knows..." Oh, happy day!
6:00 PM
Alan emerges looking very hot. Head is now completely shaved. Black tank, black pants, black sneakers with orange trim. Poses and signs for EVERYONE. Spends so much time on the other side. Can't help but call his name "Alan....Alan" Carmine turns around and shushes us "He's coming over..." Alan finally gets to us. Linda is first:
L: Alan, you were great... We were the ones who slept out front all night [motions to me, Eliza & Aimee]
A: [Looks at each one of us] Oh, thank you so much. It's so touching.
L: Oh, Alan, I'm sorry, but I have to do this...
A: {Leans head down] Oh...
L: [Pluck! Attempts to pull loose hair our of Alan's head that was missed at post-show head shaving] Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. I thought it was a loose hair.
A: [Steps away from Linda, Puller of Hair, and rubs head. Seems to be blushing...]
Alan chats with Alexandra. I get him to sign my ticket stub. Too moved to say anything to him. Dummy. Step back to take more random pics. Catch him posing with Carmine. Alan retreats back into the theatre to change for the Tony's.
10:45 PM
Arrive home & head to TV. "Why isn't the VCR recording?" Panic time. Remove tape from VCR & can tell that something was taped. "Damn, what went wrong?" Turned on TV and see B. Peter's acceptance speech. Rewind tape. It only taped the pre-show. I got Alan's part (such a cutie...Hammerstein, Sondheim, etc.) However, I did want to see the rest of the show. UGH! Why couldn't the stupid thing be on the same channel. Must send strongly worded letter to CBS. Must go to bed now. Extremely tired.