Resource Depletion


Bibliography | Impact on the Future | Political, Social, and Economical problems | Impact on the Earth | Impact on the Ecosystem | What is it? | Pros and Cons | Solutions | Impact on Daily Life | Impact on the Ecosystem
Impact on Daily Life

Daily Life...

If we continue to use these resources at the current rate we are using them, the resources that drive our economy will one day be exhausted.  Many people don't realize the impact reources have on our daily lives.  For example,  if we didn't have oil, we wouldn't be able to activate ways of transportation such as cars and planes...try to imagine that.  Forests are another resource that is being destroyed by humans.  As they are being cut down, the green house effect is getting worse due to all the carbon dioxide.  The decline of resource availibility will cause real limits to the quality of life. The prices to acquire these materials are still increasing drastically due to scarcity.  Developing countries have become dependent on industrialized countries to purchase raw materials.  They are considered a key to their development.


Elizabeth Aycock, Hannah Redford, and Curt Gifford