Alex Kidd in the Miracle World
Game by SEGA
Reviewed by BigBadBar
Size is 1 megabit
Save by memory
Released 1986
Works with Master System


Opening Side Remarks: This was Sega's comeback against Mario. It was Sega's 
first mascot. It was Way hard to me but hey, I'm as old as this game is! 


Gameplay description: This is a platform game with LOADS of levels. You 
go around as a little kid punching enemies. This game has much more of a 
"decent" storyline than Mario. You can use a bike, an helicopter, on 
foot or swimming. I don't know why but I really love this game.

Liked: Addictive

Hated: Nothing 


Graphics Description: For people that thought that jumping on enemies was too
bizarre, this time you punch enemies and they explode ( One mighty wallop uh?)
Liked: Great when it was released

Hated: Crappy within today's demand 


Sound Description: Great 13 year old game sounds and music
Liked: Great when it was released

Hated: Crappy within today's demand


Play Control/Game design: This is a masterpiece if you consider it's age. 
This has LOADS of levels ( comparing SHINOBI, that only has 8 or something.)
The gameplay has a big variety and the Boss matches are very good. I
love Jaken's Matches :P

Liked:  Everything
Hated:  Nothing


Improve: Make a Alex Kidd game for Dreamcast

RIYL: Anything but other games of the series


Final Word: This game kicks serious butt. It is SMS's best game and probably
Sega's best game EVER! I LOVE IT! If it wasn't for the other EXTREMELY CRAPPY
ALEX KIDD games, this little kid would be Sega's mascot...


Gameplay: *****
Graphics: ***
Sound/Music: ***
Play Control/Game Design: *****
Personal Opinion: *****
Total: 21 out of 25
Final Score: 84%

Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): Great


Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your
mental health. Ah who cares? Go to and you'll 
find some.


P.s. download the MEKA emulator and roms for SMS at