Andretti Racing Game by EA Sports Reviewed by Robby Cox Save: Saturn Internal Memory Released: 1996 Works with: Arcade Racer(Does Not Work With Analog Controller) **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I had read that this was one of the best racing games for the Sega Saturn. I found it for pretty cheap, so I bought it. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: Andretti Racing is an unlicensed racing game that features both stock car and indy car racing. You have the choice of which type of car you want to drive and then you race through a season. One of my main gripes is that you can only play as one car. There's no choice of which team that you want ot race as or what color car you want to drive. At least, not to my knowledge. The racing action is what it's all about and this game delivers. The stock-car racing is good and very reallistic. The indy car racing is good, but I would rather play F-1 World Grand Prix for the N64. The cars feel right and the racing action is good. You can fine tune your cars and even turn off damage or leave it on. When the damage is on, though, it's a little too easy to destroy your car. The pits are handled very reallistically and you do have to use them to win. Overall, this is a racing game for racing fans. Liked: Reallistic action. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: This game features no eye candy. The graphics are very blocky plain polygons. This game looks like Virtua Racing's older brother. Everything moves smoothly, but the graphics just aren't detailed enough. The tires even look like squares. Liked: Nothing. Hated: Ugly graphics. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: The music is pretty nice. The music sounds more like it belongs in an arcade racer, though. The sound fx are pretty good. Liked: Good music. Hated: Doesn't exactly sound like it belongs in this game. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: The controls are pretty solid. The game design is good. I forgot to mention that this game has some cool FMV featuring James Brown of Fox Sports, Derek Daly, and Bob Jenkins. JB sets up the races and the other guys provide detailed analyses before the races and after them as well. Liked: Solid controls. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Improve: Better graphics. RIYL: Need For Speed series, F-1 World Grand Prix. **************************************************************************** Final Words: Andretti Racing is one of the better Saturn racing games, but it's far from the best. Lackluster graphics, among other things, make this game a chore to play. If you can forgive the ugly visuals, then you may find a fun and deep racer here. It will take a special person to find it, though. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: *** Graphics: ** Sound/Music: **** Play Control/Game Design: *** Personal Opinion: ** Total: 14 out of 25 Final Score: 56 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None. Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.