Batman: Return of the Joker Game by Sunsoft Reviewed by Robby Cox Size: Save: None Released: 1992 Works with: all Game Boy versions Opening Snide Remarks: I sure hope that Batman: ROTJ is better than the original Batman. Gameplay: This game is tons better than the first Batman. Batman plays much more like you would expect Batman to. He can use his grappling hook, throw bat-a-rangs, jump and grab structures, and punch. My only gripe with the gameplay is that Batman has only one life. Fall into a hole, it's game over. Run out of energy, game over. You can only get hit 5 times, then it's game over. There is a level select feature, though. Graphics: The graphics are fantastic. This is where this game puts the first Batman to shame. Batman is a large, well-detailed character, as are the enemies. There are also graphic effects galore. The water effect on the first level is the best that I have seen on the Gameboy. Sound: The sound effects in Batman are excellent. They are much clearer and more varied than the first game. There is a huge advancement here in the year between the first Batman and this game. Music: The music is the one area where this game is not leaps and bounds ahead of the first game. The music is better than the first one, but not by much. Play Control: The control is very good. Batman can spring-jump between walls easily and effectively. My only gripes are minor but should Batman have to slide upon landing after a jump, and I don't particularly like that to shoot out your grappling hook, all that you have to do is press up. It leads to lots of misfires when you're not even trying to fire it. Final Analysis: This game is excellent, but tough. If you were scared off of this game because of the pitiful first Batman game, give this game a try. You will be very impressed, I know that I was. Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: ***** Sound: *** Music: **** Play Control: **** Total: 20 out of 25 Final Score: 80% Currently Known Codes: None