NFL Blitz Game by Midway Review by BigBadBar Size is 128 megabits Released September 1998 Works with Rumble and Controller Pak **************************************************************************** Opening Side remarks: I want a football game! I want a football game! I want a football game! I want a football game! One day I've stopped whining to my inner self and bought one... **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: It's extremely fun. No penalties at all. You can bash the guy's skull and no penalties. COOL. Too bad the guy doesn't die. This game is extremely fast paced and fun. The computer cheats when it is losing normally... Liked: It's the perfect hardcore football game... Hated: Cheating **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: No slowdown, no bad stuff. Incredibly well done, but it looks weird when the cheating gets high enough to change physics. Weird... Liked: Everything Hated: If I hear the word fumble one more time I'll freak out... or interception **************************************************************************** Sound Description: The commentator is great. The music is awesome too. I just laugh my butt off when I can hear the player say "Can't you idiots do anything right?" Simply ***** Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Play Control/ Game design: The Play control is great and I love the hardcore moves. They are easy to do. You just have to know what time to press B. Liked: Most of it... Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Improve: 4-players (Will be found in Blitz 99) RIYL: Blitz 99 for video arcades **************************************************************************** Final Words: This is an Awesome game packed with fun for you and your friends. Now, let me piledrive that bastard.... Ouch! That's going to leave a mark :)! **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: ***** Play Control/Game Design: ***** Personal Opinion: ***** Total: out of 25 Final Score: 92% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): Awesome **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your mental health. Ah who cares? Go to and you'll find some. **************************************************************************** Best Scene (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): Party at Lockers with cheerleaders after winning the Super Bowl with a score higher than 9.0. And TIP scene... woooooooow :)