The Rescue of Princess Blobette Game by Absolute Entertainment Reviewed by Robby Cox Size: Save: None Released: 1990 Works with: all Gameboy versions Opening Snide Remarks: A Boy and His Blob embark on an adventure to save Princess Blobette. This doesn't sound any stranger than most games. Gameplay: You control a boy who feeds his blob different flavored jelly beans which in turn changes the blob into different objects, such as an umbrella, a key or a trampoline. The bad thing about this is that there are a lot of different flavors that do different things. It is nearly impossible to remember what the different jelly beans do. Graphics: The graphics aren't too bad in this game. The boy and his blob look pretty good. The backgrounds look decent as well. Sound: If you have ever played a Game Boy game, then you know what to expect. Music: If you have ever listened to a Game Boy game, then you know what to expect. Play Control: The control is pretty good. When you tell your character to move sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't move. You never know. Final Analysis: If you want a very strange game that looks okay but plays rather strangely, then look for this game. Score Gameplay: ** Graphics: *** Sound: ** Music: ** Play Control: ** Total: 11 out of 25 Final Score: 44 % Currently Known Codes: None