A Bug's Life Game by THQ Reviewed by Robby Cox koi@magicnet.net Size: Save: Password Released: 1998 Works with: all Gameboy versions **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I have not seen the movie on which this game is based. I didn't really know much about this game before I bought it. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: A Bug's Life is a standard platform game. If you ever played a platform game, then you have pretty much already played this game. There are a few new additions to the platform genre, but only a few. Liked: New strategies for a platformer. Hated: Unoriginal gameplay. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: A bug's Life has some decent color graphics. It's no Carrot Crazy or Turok 2, but it looks okay. The graphics are are goofy-looking because it seems like everything needs to be outlined in black. Liked: The graphics resemble the movie. Hated: Nothing's outlined. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: A Bug's Life has some really good music and some pretty good sound fx. Liked: Excellent music. Hated: The sound alone can't save this game. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: A Bug's Life controls pretty well, but the game design sucks like a Hoover. The game design is so unoriginal that it would've seemed unoriginal 5 years ago. Liked: Decent Controls. Hated: A dead monkey could have designed a better game. **************************************************************************** Improve: Hire a dead monkey to make the sequel. RIYL: If you like A Bug's Life, then I would recommend some serious psychological help is needed. **************************************************************************** Final Words: A Bug's Life is a game to be avoided at all costs. This is the bane of horrible licensed games. This game sucks!!!!! **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: 0 Graphics: * Sound/Music: ** Play Control/Game Design: 0 Personal Opinion: 0 Total: 3 out of 25 Final Score: 12 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: BL26-start at the 2nd level.