Civilization: Call to Power Game by Activision Review by BigBadBar size is 1 cd Released 1999 Minimum Req. is unknown at time of writing.... **************************************************************************** Opening Side remarks: Civilization - Sid Meier = Civilization - Civilization? **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: If you've never heard about Civilization, good morning! How does it feel to be out of a 10 year long coma? Now really, I thought this game would suck because of the bad reviews it got. I was right\wrong. First off, it is a good game. It still is Civilization. That's good. THE problem is that it has super powerful units, like Slaver, or Subneural Ad. Slaver steals the population of an enemy city and turn them into slaves for their own cities. NO, IT'S NOT COOL! I almost lost the population of 4 cities because of slavers. And to make things even worse, They are invisible to everybody except diplomats and Abolitionists!All the super units are invisible to every other normal unit. It's nice when you use them, but when you get hit by them, you get REALLY ticked off. Ok, after I talked about the bad part, now I'll talk about the good part. Technologies from the future kick major ass. I mean it. Sea and Space cities add a new twist. The PW thing RULES MAJOR ASS. The trading part is kind of complicated at firstbut it is better than moving every caravan and making new ones after every trade. Liked: Future Tecnologies, and it feels like Civilization after all! Hated: Super Powerful units ( Slaver, Lawyer, Corporate Branch) **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Beautiful graphics. Great unit details and nice map. Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Sound Description: Solid voices, nice Sound effects. Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing is "oh-my-god-this-game-has-amazing-sounds!" **************************************************************************** Play Control/ Game design: I Love the new interface. It is so much better. Everything seems too complicated at first but after a few tries, it only gets easier and easier Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Web Support: I haven't REALLY played this part very well, but the big problem is that this game takes way too long to finish and it will be nearly impossible to finish it without everybody disconecting or leaving. And you will have to wait till everybody's turn is over to move your units again Liked: It's here! Hated: Everybody ends up disconnecting\leaving before you finish that game. **************************************************************************** Improve: Make it harder to make Super units RIYL: Civilization 1 & 2 **************************************************************************** Final Words: I don't know, I just don't seem so addicted as I was to the first civilization. My Older brother is, though.... **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: ***** Sound/Music: **** Play Control/Game Design: ***** Personal Opinion: *** Web Support: *** Total: 24 out of 30 Final Score: 80% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): great **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your mental health. Ah who cares? Go to and you'll find some. **************************************************************************** Best Scene (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): ...