Clayfighter 63 1/3 Game by Interplay Review by BigBadBar size is 64 megabits Released 1997 Works with Rumble Pak **************************************************************************** Opening Side remarks: The SNES game was funny and cool. Let's see how this game is... **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: Cheesy and slow. It's a fighting game. The endings are just a text explaining what the character did after he (or she) won. Some moves are repetitive but some are funny. The combo system is based on smashing buttons. The names are funny (9 hit is Cheesy, 7 is Dumb, 8 is Little Girly combo ) Liked: Funny names are worth a laugh or two. Hated: Cheesy and lame. Smash buttons and you may win. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: The 3D scenarios are cool, and the characters are made of clay (DUH! Lok at the title) Too bad they don't combine. Moving in the scenario looks nice. They changed blood with funny little icons. :) Liked: Clay characters and 3D scenarios. Hated: They don't combine sadly... **************************************************************************** Sound Description: This is the best part of the game. The voices are a bit repetitive but really funny. The narrator is cool. The music is normal. Liked: Funny voices. Hated: Repetitive voices **************************************************************************** Play Control/ Game design: Nothing special here. Move along people, there is nothing special to talk about here. It's average Liked: Nothing to hate... but... Hated: Nothing to like... **************************************************************************** Improve: I've never played the new Sculptor's Cut, but from what I've seen, it's much better. Put scenarios covered with clay. RIYL: The new Sculptor's Cut available at Blockbuster **************************************************************************** Final Words: This is an awful buy, but a good rent. I know many people will disagree. It seems rushed and unfinished. That's why they made the final version. Too bad I've never found it for sale. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ** Graphics: ** Sound/Music: **** Play Control/Game Design: ** Personal Opinion: ** Total: 12 out of 25 Final Score: 48% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): poor **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your mental health. Ah who cares? Go to and you'll find some. **************************************************************************** Best Scene (BigBadBar reviews exclusive):