Driver Game by Reflections/GT Interactive Reviewed by Robby Cox Save: Memory Card Released: 1999 Works with: Vibration Feature, Analog Controller, Memory Card **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I saw a video clip of this game on one of those Official Playstation Magazine Demo Discs and immediately knew that I had to have this game. That was several months ago, the game has been released and here's what I think of it. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: Driver is an awesome game and the description on the front of the package is accurate, "You are the wheelman". That's exactly what you are, you drive to where you have to go without destroying your car. Your thug friends and compadres do things like rob banks and murder people and then you have to get them back to the HQ safely. You also have to deliver them to the places to do the jobs, sometimes. The mission objectives are awesome and they never get old. You also have lots of choices on which jobs to pull, so this game's never super-linear. There are also some mini-games. They're really not mini-games, they're little extra games thrown in. They include Pursuit, Getaway, Cross-Town Checkpoint, Trail Blazer, Survival, and Dirt Track. These are nice little additions, but the main undercover game is the real fun. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that in this game you are an undercover cop and you have to do all of these jobs so that your cover isn't blown. Anyways, this game is awesome and is a must buy for Playstation owners. This game might be reason enough to buy a PSX. Liked: Awesome Undercover mode. Hated: No Multi-player. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Driver looks great. Everything is built of rock-solid polygons and is overly reallistic. The cars move like they should and can have lots of damage done to them and the damage looks perfect. This game moves fast, even when the cops are all over you, this game still moves like a cat. This game just looks awesome. Liked: Perfect graphics. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: This game sounds awesome. My only complaint is that the excellent sound fx drown out the amazing music. The music sounds like it was stolen from Starsky & Hutch and Shaft. I love that type of music. You may not. The sound fx are reallistic and sound great. Liked: Amazing music. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: The controls are perfect. They respond exactly like you would expect them to. The game design is awesome. This game is just perfect. Liked: Perfect controls. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Improve: Some sort of multi-player would have been appreciated. RIYL: Grand Theft Auto(but that game pales in comparison) **************************************************************************** Final Words: This game is awesome and you should definitely buy this game. It is perfect and you will play this game for a long time. This game is a classic. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ***** Graphics: ***** Sound/Music: ***** Play Control/Game Design: ***** Personal Opinion: ***** Total: 25 out of 25 Final Score: 100 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None. Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.