Game's Title: Dungeon Keeper 2 Game by: Bullfrog Reviewed by: BigBadBar Reviewer's E-mail: Release Date: July 7th, 1999 System: PC Perhipherals: Pentium 166Mhz, Windows 95/98, 300MB hard drive space, 32MB RAM, 4x CD-rom, DirectX 6.1 (provided), keyboard, mouse. Genre: God-genre Multiplayer: (Modem, 4-player or 2 player?) Price Paid: 40 bucks New or Used?: New Your Reason of purchase: The fact that you can create your own dungeon and keep it from been invaded by heroes is just too cool not to buy Gameplay Department Originality: There was Dungeon Keeper 1, but besides that game, this one is one of a kind. And due to the Possession spell, you can walk around your dungeon. (3 out of 3 stars) Fun Factor: This game is a blast to play.( 5/5 stars) Controls: It depends. If you are using a goblim, he runs like hell, but if you are using the Bile Demon, he is sluggish and slow. Now the overview is just fine ( 4/4 stars) StoryLine: Well... you are working for The Horned Reaper ( Dum,dum,dum,duuuuum!) and you have to get lots of white gems things to him. To get it, you have to kill a certain person, but this person isn't alone. He has lots and lots of (Yuck) heroes, so you should kill them too ( 1/1 star) Replay Value: With "Your Pet Dungeon", Campaign, Multiplayer and Skirmish, this game lasts a long ass time. (5/5 stars) Addiction: Extremely. You just can't stop playing... ( 2/2 stars) Frustration: Not really. ( 2/2 stars) Variety: There are 15 different rooms to build and 14 different creatures to own. And the fact that you can control them in 1st person mode isn't just a gimmick. Your monsters are stupid and you don't have direct control over them. With the spell, you can control them directly, like to skip certain fireballs and then attack the enemy that you want. Other creatures don't do that. ( 3 out of 3 stars) Others: The cut scenes are pretty funny. ( 3/3 stars) Challenge: This game is pretty challenging. Sometimes you think it gets too hard too early, but when you find out that you should use Possession spell more often, then it gets a little easier ( 5/5 stars) Web Support: This game's multiplayer if very fun. You and who-cares-who-he-is control different dungeons. You have to destroy his Dungeon Heart and he will try to destroy your DH. The first one to destroy the enemy's DH is the winner. But this game could have been so incredible. Just think about it. You as the Dungeon Master, all your friends controlling each creature agains the computer. That would be the best multiplayer game EVER! (4/5 stars) Total= 32 out of 33 Graphics Department Animation: Very cool. Your creatures and the heroes are extremely well detailed. You will laugh your ass off when someone hits jackpot in your casino. Just zoom in. Everybody will start to dance like the 70's or something. It's hilarious... ( 5/5 stars) Background Detail: The dungeons look great, the lava looks like its hot, and the water also looks great... ( 3/3 stars) Character Detail: The characters are almost too detailed. When in 1st person, you can see, when you are hitting someone, their face expression shows that he is angry, but when you just watch from a safe distance, their face is normal... ( 4/4 stars) Colors(where possible) : This game is very colorful. ( 3/3 stars) Others: none ( 2/2 stars) Total= 17 out of 17 Sound Department Sound Effects: The battle sounds are very realistic, but nothing very special ( 4/5 stars ) Music: Although not annoing, it isn't very much( 3/5 stars ) Voice ( where possible): The narrator has a sarcastic touch. He kicks ass! (3 out of 3 stars) Others: none( 2/2 stars) Total: 12 out of 15 Buying Guide Buy it if: You can count to 5 without using your fingers. Don't buy it if: Your PC can't meet the Requirements Reasons to buy: Everything Reasons not to buy: M rating from ESRB ( That could be a reason to buy also) Is it worth the price?:Hell yes! Final Judge Improve: This game is awesome, yet there is so much room for improvement! Final Comments: This game is a must buy. This is the best PC game since Rollercoaster tycoon! Overall Score ( Not the average of scores above) : 93% Gameplay Tips: -Always build large casinos and training rooms. -Creatures don't go to the combat pit unless you drop them in. I-f you are going on a mission that you are almost certain that your creatures will die, use -skeletons, because they can be easily replaced. -The misstress is the best creature you can get. -When you finished scouting the whole location, get rid of the Fireflies by dropping them back on the portal. They are useless for combat... -Don't go searching for portals early on. Or else you will end up with 15 of the same creature (not good)