Expendable Game by Rage Review by BigBadBar kummel@erols.com size is 1 GD-ROM Save by VMS Release September 1999 Works with VMS and Rumble Thing No modem play **************************************************************************** Opening Side remarks: This game just arrived at Gamedge to play and I played. It seemed weak, but I just had to try it. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: This brings back what Videogames where made for. It was made for entertainment. This game should be called FUN, the ultimate cool game. It's so simple, yet so deep. You just go through 3d futuristic cities, kill aliens, save humans, destroy bosses and then again and again. It's so fun, it's kind of ridiculous. There are a lot of different enemies and guns. The scenarios ARE HUGE. 2 player mode kicks major buttocks. Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: EVERYTHING is in 3D! It won't amaze you at first sight, but then after you pay attention to every detail, then it will amaze you. Liked: Everything Hated: Nothin' **************************************************************************** Sound Description: IT's GD people. Great sound effects but the songs should have been a bit more "loud" if you know what I mean. If you don't know what I mean, then you're stupid. Hehehehe... Liked: Everything Hated: Nothin' **************************************************************************** Play Control/ Game design: it flaws a little. I wish it was a little more like Robotron or Apocalypse, but they are still good... not perfect, just good. The game design is just great. By the way, you should use the strafe button A LOT! Liked: Almost everything Hated: Controls could have been better **************************************************************************** Improve: Put Controls more like robotron 64 or Apocalypse. RIYL: Apocalypse and Robotron 64. **************************************************************************** Final Words: This game is just fun. It's Fun with great graphics, good sound effects, and nice controls. I don't know about you, but I'm buying this game as soon as the US version launches **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ***** Graphics: ***** Sound/Music: **** Play Control/Game Design: **** Personal Opinion: ***** Total: 23 out of 25 Import Rate: Wait for US version. Lots of Japanese Text. Final Score: 92% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): Awesome **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your mental health. Ah who cares? Go to sages.ign.com/index2.html and you'll find some. **************************************************************************** Best Scene (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): the entrance sequence was great! **************************************************************************** Go visit www.Gamedge.com, and if you live in the Washington DC area, you can be a member of their store and play Dreamcast, N64, and Playstation for 2 hours free every day! Cool uh? Of course there is the Annual fee of 30 bucks, but hell, it's worth to play Dreamcast early, for 2 hours every day.