FaceBall 2000 Game by Bullet Proof Reviewed by Adrock gbcam@hotmail.com Size: 2 MEgabits Save: None Released: 1992 Works with: All **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: It's a first person shooter for Game Boy! Sure, it may not be Doom, it may not be Quake, it may not be 007, but it is a little flame for those who like the fire of the PC shooters. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: Simple... It's cool, but there's not much variety. Not exactly shoot, wall, enemy... shoot, wall, enemy... Because there is a wide variety of enemies and a lot of action. You will feel the pump of some of the newer shooters as you blaze through these mazes. Oh, and did I mention multi player? You can fill up a whole room of your homies with this game, yo. I think it is like, 16 people max with those four player adapters... Liked: An under-rated Goldeneye in it's day. Multiplayer Rocks. Hated: Simplicity can be a good or bad thing. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: They keep it simple, but hey, the framerate stays pretty nice. Liked: Frame-Rate is better than you think. Hated: Simplicity, once again, can be a good or bad thing. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: Average sound and music. Gotta pump in some crush grooves if you wanna stay up with the big shooters. Liked: Sound FX do a pretty good job. Hated: More stuff I can keep a beat to! **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: It is kind of easy to get lost since everything looks the same. BUT, the control does a good job and stays stable. Liked: It's responsive. Hated: Turn around in circles 'til you remember where you are. And look at the map. **************************************************************************** Improve: This game SCREAMS Game Boy Color update. I would ask for more multi player options and level detail. RIYL: Doom, Doom clones. Need a shooter for your Game Boy? **************************************************************************** Final Words: This game is good for Game Boy players that love first person shooters. The multiplayer is good, too. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: **** Personal Opinion: **** Total: 19 out of 25 Final Score: % 76 **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None