Galaga/Galaxian Game by Namco Reviewed by Robby Cox Size: Save: None Released: 1995 Works with: all Gameboy versions Opening Snide Remarks: I used to really like Galaga in the arcades. I never really tried to play Galaxian, though. I hope these versions are as good as the arcade versions. Gameplay: Very simple gameplay is found in both of these games. Galaxian is basically just Space Invaders with better graphics. Galaga is pretty much the same, but it has some interesting additions. If you let one of the motherships steal your ship then when you destroy the mothership you get your ship back for double firepower. Graphics: The graphics look just like they did in the arcade. The graphics are rather simple and not very detailed. The graphics in Galaga are better than in Galaxian because it had better graphics in the arcade because it was a newer game. Sound: The sound in these games are typical old-school videogame sounds. They sound just like they did in the arcade, though. Music: The music used in these games is pretty good. The only time you hear any music is between stages. Play Control: These games have very simple control schemes. The joypad moves your ship and the "A" and "B" buttons fire your weapons. The control is well done and just as accurate as the arcade versions. Final Analysis: If you liked the arcade versions of either of these games or just like retro games, then Galaga/Galaxian is a must buy. Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: *** Sound: *** Music: *** Play Control: **** Total: 17 out of 24 Final Score: 68 % Currently Known Codes: None