Galaga/Galaxian Game by Nintendo/Namco Reviewed by Adrock Size: 4 Megabits Save: None Released: 1995 Works with: Any Game Boy, sound glitches with CGB001 **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: Ready for a thumb blister? **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: First of all these games are arcade perfect. If you love space shooters, you will love this pak. Well, this game would be the definitive "space shooter". In both games you must shoot large patterns of aliens that are flying across the screen. However in Galaxian, you only get one shot at a time... until your other shot hits an alien or the top of the screen. Then you can shoot again. Galaga has rapid fire. Galaga is also a lot faster. You can tell the games apart quite easily. Liked: Fans of space shooters will enjoy. Hated: Is it worth the money? **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: This game rocks hard on Super Game Boy. The real arcade color palettes are there, in real, true color. Plus the SGB frames are like looking at the game in a real arcade. It has two seperate frames for both games. Cool. The game is clear on any Game Boy. It also looks arcade-ish on the Game Boy Color with it's own default palette. Liked: It's GREAT on a Super Game Boy. Hated: You'll miss the color on the monochrome GB's. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: The Game Boy Color has sound problems with this game. Hmm. It seems to dislike Namco. Just kidding. Anyways, the sound is true to the arcade. Beeps and Explosions. Liked: True to the arcade. Hated: Problems with CGB sound. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Move left and right and shoot lazers at the bad guys. Liked: Umm... it's easy! Hit detection is good. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Improve: Are two arcade games enough for a 4 Meg pak? RIYL: Space Shooting, R-Type DX **************************************************************************** Final Words: This is some good stuff... you may feel a little ripped off though, after buying two rather small games like this. But hey, this is how we lived in 1983. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: **** Personal Opinion: **** Total: 19 Final Score: 76% **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: Galaga Tag-Team Ship: This is the first power-up/code ever. And you should already know this one; but if you don't here goes. When one of those big ugly ships in Galaga comes down and shoots a triangle beam; if you have at least 1 extra ship; get hit by the beam. Your fighter will be captured; BUT that's part of the code. When the alien that captured your ship swoops down, shoot that alien! (Don't hit the ship.) If you kill the Alien that the ship is trailing behind; you'll get that ship back and be able to shoot double shots.