Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. Game by Nintendo Reviewed by Robby Cox Save: On Cartridge. Released: 1998 Works with: Rumble Pak, Controller Pak **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I love ASB '99, but I figured that this game was probably pretty cool. I waited on Nintendo to place this game on the Player's Choice program, but it never happened. Then the other day, I walked in Wal-Mart and they had this game for $29.99. So I bought it. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: In case you haven't figured it out, MLB Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. is a baseball game. It's a pretty good baseball game. I myself like ASB '99 better, but if you want a quicker-paced game that has some great mo-cap moves, then you should definitely checck this game out. There are some AI problems. One game you'll lose 20-0, but the next you'll win 12-0. This is somewhat annoying. Liked: Quick gameplay. Hated: Pitiful AI. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: MLB Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. features some good graphics. They're nowhere near as good as ASB '99, but they're still good. There's a hazy look to some of the graphics, but the mo-cap moves are amazing. There are lots of animations when the batter enters the batter's box. These graphics would look amazing if ASB '99 wouldn't have been released. Liked: Amazing mo-cap moves. Hated: Hazy looking graphics. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: MLB has some good music, but there's really not much of it. There's only music on the menu screens and when the home team players come to bat. That's all. The sound are great. Liked: Everything. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: MLB controls pretty well. The only problem with the controls are that sometimes you will think that one player is the one that you will be controlling, but yet you control another. The game design is okay, but there are some serious AI problems. Liked: Good controls. Hated: AI problems. **************************************************************************** Improve: AI. RIYL: All Star Baseball '99, World Series Basbeall II **************************************************************************** Final Words: Major League Baseball is by no means a bad game. It's just that ASB '99 is so much better than this game that it's not even funny. If you already have ASB '99, but yet you want another baseball game, then MLB Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. would fit the bill. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: *** Personal Opinion: *** Total: 17 out of 25 Final Score: 68 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None. Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.