Maximum Carnage Game by Acclaim Reviewed by Robby Cox Save: None Released: 1994 Works with: N/A **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I've always dug Spider-Man. He's not my favorite comic book icon, but he's still cool. When I was younger, I remember going to Sears and seeing the Atari 2600 version of Spider-Man and wishing that I would get it. Well I never did, but I bought this one and now I'm going to review it. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: Maximum Carnage is a Final Fight type of game. You walk from side to side and kick the crap out of anything that moves. Well, this game breaks from that formula a little. You can use your webslingers to do some interesting things like swing from one side of the screen to the next, grab enemies and pull them to you, and on certain levels you will have to use them to go up the screen. The big problem with this game is that there really aren't many Spidey villains to beat up. You mainly beat up generic bad guys and this gets old real quick. Liked: Webslingers are cool. Hated: Where's the Spidey villains? **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: The graphics in Maximum Carnage are pretty good. They're the best I've ever seen in a SNES beat-em-up. There's lots of colors, but it gets old when every 4th or 5th villain is the same. Sometimes you will have to fight 3 villains at the same time, and 2 of the 3 are the exact same villains. Liked: Very colorful. Hated: Same old enemies over and over and over and over and over!!! **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: The music in Maximum Carnage is pretty good. It's kinda like 80's hair band metal, which is probably who this game was aimed at. The music is well-done and it is different from most games. The sound fx are prety good. Liked: Different music. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Maximum Carnage has some decent controls. They're fairly responsive, but they're slightly confusing. The game design sucks. The levels are repetitive, the enemies are repetitive, and this whole game is repetitive. Liked: Pretty good controls. Hated: Sucky game design. **************************************************************************** Improve: Make a game that is actually a little like the Spider-Man comics. RIYL: Die Hard Arcade, Spider Man Vs. The Kingpin(GENESIS), Marvel Super Heroes **************************************************************************** Final Words: Maximum Carnage is a decent game that you might have fun with if you really need a beat-em-up for your SNES. If you want a great beat-em-up get Die Hard Arcade for the Sega Saturn. It totally outclasses this game in every area. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ** Graphics: *** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: ** Personal Opinion: ** Total: 12 out of 25 Final Score: 48 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.