Micro Machines Turbo 64 Game by Midway Review by BigBadBar Size 64 megabits Released March 99 Works with Rumble and Memory Pak **************************************************************************** Opening Side Remarks: I've played Micro Machines 2 for the computer and I loved it. I've never found it to buy it, but now it is on the N64. I was going to buy it, but then Nintendo Power said it sucked, so I must rent it first... **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: This is a multiplayer Mayhem kind of game (Mario Party) There is 7 different worlds, and every world has a number of tracks that is from 3 to 7. The tracks are very funny and hip. Getting into a "bridge" is almost impossible. It is very hard to keep yourself on the right track. If you take a small shortcut, your car blows up and you start from where you left the track. There are so many tight corners and obstacles that are amazingly hard to do, that it almost takes the fun away out of this witty game. The Multiplayer is awesome. You can play with up to 8 players, no slowdown! It takes a while to get over the bad stuff about this game, but it grows on you. The overhead view is kind of dated somehow, but without it, there wouldn't be any 8 people-multiplayer, which is a price that is worth it. When you finish one Challenge race in 1st place, you win a car that can be test-drived in the options. Liked: Multi-player Hated: Tracks are too tricky **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: The menu is pretty original. The characters are a pain in the buttocks. They look lame enough for me to wish they weren't there. The details are great. The cars are pretty sweet lookin'. Liked: Details are detailed. Hated: The characters **************************************************************************** Sound Description: Good music. Great SFX. Horrible voices Liked:Good music. Great SFX. Hated: Horrible voices **************************************************************************** Play Control/ Game design: Of course, it is hard to drive a 1 inch boat, but it just takes time. I expected more, but I didn't get it. Liked: It isn't horrible. Hated: It takes a while to get used to the controls. **************************************************************************** Improve: Make tracks less tricky. Take out the characters. Take out the voices. RIYL: Re-volt ( Will be released October 99) **************************************************************************** Final Words: I just wish the tracks weren't so tricky. Dumb characters, witty tracks, detailed details, lots of tracks, different vehicles, average music, stupid voices. Now I just have to use the cheese as a ramp and jump over the cereal box, but I'll have to watch out for that darn spoon.. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: *** Graphics: *** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: *** Personal Opinion: *** Total: 15 out of 25 Final Score: 60% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): nice **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your mental health. Ah who cares? Go to sages.ign.com/index2.html and you'll find some. **************************************************************************** Best Scene (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): Menu is pretty sweet ****************************************************************************