Mr. Nice Guy
1998/ 87 mins.
Released by New Line Cinema
Rated PG-13
Starring Jackie Chan, Richard Norton, and Sammo Hung
Directed by Sammo Hung
Format; Dual Sided/Single Layered
Reviewed by Robby Cox

Opening Remarks: This is the film that I bought a DVD player for. At the time I bought my DVD player, this film wasn't available on any other format. I bought my DVD player and 4 movies that night. This was my favorite.

Movie Quality: This movie is awesome. Jackie Chan does what Jackie Chan does best. He's rather silly, while being very serious. Jackie does all kinds of crazy stunts and the fights are awesome. The plot revolves around a videotape of a gang slaying that ends up in Jackie's hands. Two rival gangs want this tape and they will do whatever it takes to get it, including kidnapping Jackie's girlfriend. Well, you know that Jackie's not going to just let that happen. As I said, there are some awesome fights and some really cool stunts. One of the funniest bits in the movie, is when Sammo Hung does a cameo as a bike rider. This is soooo funny. This movie is great. You should check it out.

Video Quality: This film looks great. The disc features Widescreen and Fullscreen versions of this film. The colors look great and the video is very clear.

Sound Quality: This disc sounds great. The surround fx are excellent. The music is cool and is mixed nicely. This is what a DVD should sound like.

Extras: This disc has enough extras to satisfy, but it's not a special edition or anything. It features a Jackie Chan Biography and Filmography, the Original Theatrical Trailer, the Trailer to Rush Hour, and clips of Rumble In The Bronx, Jackie Chan's First Strike, and Police Story.

Improve: More outtakes!

RIYL: Jackie Chan's Who Am I?, Rush Hour, Rumble In The Bronx, Jackie Chan's First Strike.

Overall Opinion: This disc is great and is excellent for it's price($20). It has a good bit of extras and is the best way to see this film. You should give this disc a spin on your player for a good time.

Movie Quality: *****
Video Quality: *****
Sound Quality: *****
Extras: ****
Personal Opinion: *****
Total: 24 out of 25

Final Score: 96 %