Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Game by Activision Reviewed by Robby Cox koi@magicnet.net Save: None Released: 1994 Works with: N/A **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I was a fan of the original Pitfall. I played the crap out of the Atari 2600 version, but will I like this version. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure is basically an above average platform game. The first level is really good. It's kind of like an updated pitfall. There's vines to grab, quicksand, the whole shebang. But, once the second level begins and from then on, this game becomes just another platform game. It's nothing like Pitfall from the 2nd level on. Liked: First level. Hated: Every other level. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Pitfall: TMA has some nice graphics. The main character moves well and animates very nicely. The enemies are pretty cool looking and the backgrounds are really good. Liked: Lifelike animation. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: The music in Pitfall: TME is pretty good. It's not very memorable, but it works when you play the game. The sound fx are okay. Liked: Okay music. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Pitfall: TME controls fairly well. It plays just fine. There are a lot of different actions for Pitfall Harry but they're not too complicated. The game design is great if you just want a platform game. If you want an update to Pitfall, then just play the first level over and over again. Liked: Good controls. Hated: Levels 2-the end of the game. **************************************************************************** Improve: Make the whole game like the first level. RIYL: Pitfall, Mischief Makers(N64) **************************************************************************** Final Words: If you want an updated version of Pitfall, then you might like this game, especially the first level. If you're just looking for a good platform game, then this is a good game for you. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: *** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: *** Personal Opinion: *** Total: 16 out of 25 Final Score: 64 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None. Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.