Pocket Bomberman Game by Hudson/Nintendo Reviewed by Adrock gbcam@hotmail.com Size: 8 Megabits Save: Password Released: 1998 Works with: all Gameboy versions **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: A Bomberman platformer... Well, well, well... **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: OK, first things first... this ain't no overhead puzzle game. This is a platformer. You go to level by level and put down bombs. It's a little twist. There is a password feature and a "jump" mode, but no multiplayer. Liked: A cool new thing going on with Bomberman. Hated: No multiplayer. B-man fans might want the real Bomberman. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: The game is very colorful on a CGB. Note that there are no SGB enhancements, contrary to what is said on the box. Explosions could look better, as could in all Bomberman games. Liked: Cartoonish enviroments are no native to Bomberman games. Hated: No SGB. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: Music and Sound FX are average. I could've asked for more beats in the songs, and more realistic explosion sounds. Liked: Average songs and FX. Hated: More beat and realism. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Pressing B to jump feels un-natural. The platforms are blocky, and not smooth like other platform games. Liked: Good all-around controls. Hated: Jumping feels un-natural. **************************************************************************** Improve: Multiplayer, in some form. RIYL: Mario and Bomberman. **************************************************************************** Final Words: It's not your father's Bomberman, but instead it's a new Bomberman experience. This was one of the first GB Color games, so there is room for some improvement. A good buy if you are a platformer or Bomberman fan. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: **** Play Control/Game Design: **** Personal Opinion: **** Total: 20 Final Score: %80 **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: 8649-begin at Ocean Level Boss Start game with full power = 5656 Last Boss = 3752