Plumbers Don't Wear Ties Game by Kirin Entertainment Reviewed by Robby Cox Save: None Released: 1993 Works with: N/A **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I found this game for $2.50 at Electronics Boutique. I figured for the price that I would give it a try. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: This game is lame, period. It's basically a somewhat interactive storybook. The story is told by still photos and every so often you make a plot choice. That's it. It's very lame and stupid. You play as a plumber and you meet this hot girl and you have to try to get her to fall in love with you. I told you it is stupid. Liked: Nothing. Hated: Everything. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: PDWT has some cool graphics, but only for one reason- there's some T & A in it. Okay, it's just A. But in order to see it, you will have to put in the uncensored code, which I will not include. Liked: Uncensored mode. Hated: There's only a little FMV. The intro rules!-Jane in lingerie. That's all I can say. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: PDWT has some crappy music and crappy sound fx. There's lots of voice acting, but it's absolutely horrible. Liked: Nothing. Hated: Everything. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: If you consider that you only push a button every 10 minutes or so, then the controls are fine. The game design sucks! It would have been cool if the game would have been FMV and there were more story choices. Liked: Ok controls. Hated: Horrible game design. **************************************************************************** Improve: Make the game all FMV and have more plot choices. RIYL: Night Trap, Sewer Shark. **************************************************************************** Final Words: Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is a lame game that not even nudity will change. Stay away. Even if you're tempted, there's not much nudity there. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: Graphics: ** Sound/Music: * Play Control/Game Design: * Personal Opinion: * Total: 5 out of 25 Final Score: 20 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: Not telling.(E-mail me and I'll tell you) Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.