Power Stone Game by Capcom Review by BigBadBar kummel@erols.com Size is 1 GD-Rom Release Fall 99 Works with unknown No modem play **************************************************************************** Opening Side Remarks: Ha! I got it what ya'll was waitin' for! A Dreamcast review! Am I good? Am I good? Yes, I'm good! I'm your favorite! Ha! hey, IGN dreamcast, do you have a Dreamcast review so early? What? No? Because I have played the game and I want to share it to the world, and they played it and kept it to themselves. .... I'm sorry, I'm just so excited that I'm one of the few that have played dreamcast for 2 hours straight... **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: This is not a fighter, this is THE fighter. Amazing moves, 8 completely different characters, a ton of different weapons and an 100% moving scenario ( Think Mario 64 being a fighter) but the scenarios are small, so there is no running away from battle. IF you collect 3 power stones, you become a super being with super powerful moves for a limited time. Top 10 most innovative fighters ever, among with Virtual fighter and Mortal Kombat. Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Talk about next generation, baby. Great details, no slowdown and steady framerate make this game a work of art. Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Sound Description: Great voices, amazing Sound effects. The music is neat too. Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Play Control/ Game design: There is 4.856 seconds of loading time at the start of every fight. It's a little hard to figure the controls out because of the japanese menus, but I got them alright after a while. Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Improve: More characters, Modem play and 4 player action. RIYL: ..... **************************************************************************** Final Words: This game has rocked my fragile little mind... - Cartman.. hehe Now really, this game is awesome. An awesome fighter, but be warned, fighting against the computer is hard as heck, but there are infinite continues. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ***** Graphics: ***** Sound/Music: ***** Play Control/Game Design: ***** Personal Opinion: ***** Total: 25 out of 25 Import Rate: if you can deal with japanese menus... Final Score: 100% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): What are you doing here? Go pre-order this game now! **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: none **************************************************************************** Best Scene (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): Unknown **************************************************************************** Go visit www.Gamedge.com, and if you live in the Washington DC area, you can be a member of their store and play Dreamcast, N64, and Playstation for 2 hours free every day! Cool uh. Ofcourse there is the Annual fee of 30 bucks, but hell, it's worth to play Dreamcast Early. And I am not a Sell out! You don't have any idea how much these people are paying me to say that. Ok, they don't pay me, but they are really nice guys, with a nice store and good prices for good games. Go visit their site.