Quake Game by Midway Reviewed by Robby Cox koi@magicnet.net Save: Controller Pak Released: 1998 Works with: Rumble Pak, Controller Pak **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I have never played the PC version of Quake, but I was a huge fan of Doom. Since I loved Doom, I figured that I would love this game. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: Quake plays just like every other First-Person-Shooter. You have to get from point A to point B without dying. You will have to kill enemies, flip switches, collect keys, and open doors to solve the puzzles that will await you. Liked: Killing the enemies up close and then seeing their bodies explode into bloody little pieces. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: This version of Quake looks as good as the PC version did, maybe even better. The enemies are large and well-detailed. There's also lighting effects galore. The 3-D interiors look great. The graphics will impress you. Liked: Cool enemies. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: The music in Quake is okay. There's really only 1 song in the entire game, which is played between levels. Instead of in-game music, there's a soundtrack of noises which leads to an uneasy feeling when playing this game. It's very spooky. The sound fx are good. I only wish this game was in Surround Sound. Liked: Cool Soundtrack. Hated: No Surround Sound Support. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Quake controls very well. The controls are automatically set up like Goldeneye, but they can be customized any way you please. The game design is solid, but the 2-player deathmatches are horrible. Liked: Great controls. Hated: 2-player deathmatches. **************************************************************************** Improve: Add 4-player deathmatches, 2-player Co-op mode, Surround Sound support. RIYL: Doom 64, Goldeneye, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter **************************************************************************** Final Words: Quake is an awesome game. It's actually kinda scary to play. The difficulty is just right. The visuals are great, the audio is great, everything about this game is great. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: **** Play Control/Game Design: **** Personal Opinion: **** Total: 20 out of 25 Final Score: 80 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None