Game by Activision
Reviewed by Robby Cox
Save: None
Released: 1988
Works with: N/A

Opening Snide Remarks: This is the original game that Rampage: World Tour was
based on.  I loved this game, when I got it 10 years ago.  But does it stand 
the test of time?  


Gameplay Descripion: Rampage is an action game where you play as a monster 
who destroys cities.  There's 3 monsters to choose from.  You must destroy 
all of the buildings in a level to progress to the next level.  There are 
tanks, cars, helicopters, and other things that try to stop you.  You can eat
people to gain health.  This is a fairly mindless arcade-type game that is 
really fun to play.  The main difference between this game and Rampage: World
Tour is that the levels in Rampage are only 1 screen, while the levels in 
World Tour are several screens wide.   
Liked: Destroying cities.
Hated: Nothing.


Graphics Description: Rampage had some great graphics at the time of its 
release and they still look pretty good today.  Obviously, World Tour looks 
much better than the original, but remember that World Tour is 10 years 
newer.  The monsters are large and the cities resemble their real-life 
Liked: Cities look real.
Hated: Nothing.


Sound/Music Description: Rampage has some good music, but it's not very 
memorable.  The sound fx are pretty good.
Liked: Good sound fx.
Hated: Nothing.


Play Control/Game Design: Rampage controls very well.  It's easier to climb
up buildings in World Tour than in the original.  The game design is great.
There are a ton of levels  to play.  I kind of wish that there were some boss
levels, though. 
Liked: Tons of levels.
Hated: Nothing.


Improve: Make it easier to climb on buildings.  They fixed this in World Tour. 

RIYL: Rampage: World Tour (N64, GBC) 


Final Words: Rampage was an awesome game that still holds up well today.  If
you liked World Tour, then you owe it to yourself to check out the original.
Rampage is a classic.

Gameplay: ****
Graphics: ***
Sound/Music: ***
Play Control/Game Design: ****
Personal Opinion: ****
Total: 18 out of 25
Final Score: 72 %


Currently Known Codes: None

Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.