Sonic Adventure Game by Sega Review by BigBadBar Size is 1 GD-ROM Released 1999 Works with VMU **************************************************************************** Opening Side remarks: **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: I'll start out with the characters. You just relate to them (Except that stupid Big the cat) Knuckles, he protects this big crystal since he was born. He lived his whole life alone in a deserted and dark island. When his life goes down the crapper, the first thing I thought was "Man, sucks to be you." I really felt sorry for him. That's how deep this game is. Like when you're using tails, you find knuckles in the park and fight him on the middle of the game. Then after, you can use Knuckles. You use knuckles and you learn why he was there, what was he doing and what he ate that morning (Not really). You see, the whole game is six Huge ass puzzle parts and when you put them together, you go "Ohh, I get it." Except Big the Cat.. He sucks major ass!!! Must I say that I love the action parts? I mean, they are just SUPREME! Except Casinopolis ( which is NOT the casino from S2, my favorite sonic world. It is some kind of abandoned Fan warehouse) All of them rule. I love the snowboarding part. Too bad not many tricks. My favorite part is with knucles. The Adventure part... ehh. The adventure part isn't all very good. Except in hot spots (Knuckle battle, cut scenes) it is overall boring. Exploration isn't for you, sonic. Villains Robotinik is the same ol' crazy scientist. I like the way he looks on 3D. But this new Chao god boss water monster thing is very cool also. Variation Daaamn. There is little of everything. Snowboarding, fishing ( although it sucks), Tamagotchi (Chao thingies), Pokemon (Chao thingies), Plataform, Adventure (Knuckle's levels are damn cool) VMU game It is pretty cool, my only gripe is that battles against the computer are too rare. The battles are fun. Chao is just too damn cute!!! Liked: EVERYTHING Hated: BIg the cat is just so stupid. And his levels aren't much fun either... and it is a little too short. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: ... (breathless after seeing this game) Just look in Knuckle's cut scene where the island falls. The characters are great, but the scenarios are THE most kick ass scenarios ever. Just look at Sky deck. Also, Robotinik's ships never looked better. Egg viper kicks Bowser's ass any day of the week. Egg Walker beats Cortex (Crash's boss) with it's eyes closed. Liked: Holy poop on a stick, this game looks awesome Hated: **************************************************************************** Sound Description: The music is very Sega. Kick ass rock n' roll songs with real singers (Knuckle's song kicks ass!) You can choose between Japanese and English voices and 6 different languages of subtitles. The voices aren't the best, but they do the work... Robotinik's voice rules, though. Too bad the voices change. Robotinik's voice isn't the same when you play as Tails. Liked: The music, Sound effects. Hated: Voices aren't so good. **************************************************************************** Play Control/ Game design: It plays perfectly. It is REALLY FAST and if you aren't used to playing videogames, some levels will make you dizzy. But it controls beautifully. Liked: Everything Hated: Nothing **************************************************************************** Improve: NO BIG THE CAT!!!! RIYL: Sonic Trilogy (Knuckles too) **************************************************************************** Final Words: ... We luv u sega! **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ***** Graphics: ***** * Sound/Music: **** Play Control/Game Design: ***** Personal Opinion: ***** Total: 24 out of 25 Final Score: 96% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your mental health. Ah who cares? Go to and you'll find some. **************************************************************************** Best Scene (BigBadBar reviews exclusive):