South Park Game by Acclaim Review by BigBadBar Size is 96 or 128 megabits Save by Memory Pak Released summer 1998 Works with Memory Pak, Expansion Pak and Rumble Pak **************************************************************************** Opening Side Remarks: A South Park Game? WOW, this is got to be good. By the way, THIS REVIEW USES ADVANCED SOUTH PARK VOCABULARY, SO DON'T READ THIS UNLESS YOU WATCH, OR CAN WATCH THAT FUNNY PIECE OF oops.... **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: Wow, a turkey. There's another, and another,and another , and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another , and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another; wow, I passed the chapter! There's a clone, and another, and another, and another , and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another , and another, and another, and another, and another... well, you get the Fbleepng point don't you? If it wasn't for the damn repetition, this would kick some serious butt Liked: The storyline is ok. The bosses rule. Multiplayer is good. Loads of characters from the show to play with... Hated: Repetition Licks ass... metharphormically speaking... **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: 4MB expansion Ram right here! Oh, if it wasn't for that fog... Liked: Ass kickin' 3D graphics that resemble to the tv show. Hated: God damn that stupid son of a bbleepch fog... **************************************************************************** Sound Description: MMMFF MMF MMMMF fFFMFMMMF MMFFFMMMF ( IT RULES. Voices are as funny as they could be and the music is sweet.) Liked: Pretty much everything MMMMKAY? Hated: Move Along people, there is nothing to see here. **************************************************************************** Play Control/ Game design: Three words.. It is Turok's style. I hate those damn controls..... Liked: It's average Hated: There in no such thing as dumb controllers, just dumb control configuration **************************************************************************** Improve: LESS REPETITION, less fog... RIYL: Nothiiiing ( whining) **************************************************************************** Final Words: This is for the REAL South Park Fans, like me. Others should definately steer away from this game. Here is something that is found in the latest South Park episode, modified BigBadBar - This game is good, but these turkeys keep coming 15 minutes later BigBadBar - Ok, I'm going to be TOTTALLY SERIOUSLY(yep, that is the way Cartman talked) with you now. If I see a turkey one more time, I'm gonna leap out of this chair and destroy this damn cartridge 5 seconds later I just threw a 60 dollar game cartridge on the grass and passed through it with my lawn mower :) **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: ***** Play Control/Game Design: *** Personal Opinion: *** Total: 17 out of 25 Final Score: 68% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): nice **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your mental health. Ah who cares? Go to and you'll find some. **************************************************************************** Best Scene (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): The cut scenes were cool.