Super Street Fighter II Turbo Game by Panasonic Reviewed by Robby Cox Save: None Released: 1994 Works with: 6-button controller. **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I've never been a huge Street Fighter fan. I never really liked this game when I bought it. I wonder if I will like it any better now? **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: Have you ever played Street Fighter 2? Well then you've played this game. To me, the Street Fighter 2 games were all the same. I thought the original Street Fighter 2 was amazing. But do we really need the same game over and over with only a couple of gameplay additions? I'd rather play Street Fighter Alpha 2. Liked: Nothing. Hated: Unoriginal gameplay. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: SSF2Turbo looks pretty good. It's got some nicely drawn 2-D sprites, but they're not as good as SFA2. This was the best looking home version of Street Fighter until the Alpha series. Liked: Good graphics. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: SSF2Turbo has some really good music. The sound fx are equally good. Liked: Good music. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: SSF2Turbo controls okay, but the lack of a standard 6-button controller really hampers this game. The game design is okay, but I feel that this game is too hard even on the easiest difficulty settings. Liked: Responsive controls. Hated: Having to use a 3-button controller. **************************************************************************** Improve: Add something new. RIYL: Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter 2 **************************************************************************** Final Words: If you simply must have every version of Street Fighter 2, then this is a worthy purchase, but otherwise buy Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Sega Saturn). **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ** Graphics: *** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: * Personal Opinion: ** Total: 11 out of 25 Final Score: 44 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None. Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.