Star Fighter Game by Studio 3DO Reviewed by Robby Cox Save: 3DO Internal Memory Released: 1995 Works with: 3DO Flight Stick **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: This was one of those games that was supposed to revitalize the 3DO. It didn't and it summarily made appearances on the Playstation, Saturn, and PC. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: Star Fighter is a lame space shooter. It's a shooter but you actually have to fly your ship. It's not on rails like Starfox either. The only problem with this is that the controls suck. Your ship just doesn't respond well. You will have all kinds of trouble trying to control your ship. The controls may be reallistic but they just aren't comfortable. You can damage anything and everything, though. This is a mission based shooter. You will receive a mission briefing with your objectives. The controls kill this game, though. Liked: Go anywhere gameplay. Hated: Horrible controls. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Star Fighter has some pretty ugly polygon graphics. Everything can be destroyed, though. The graphics are nothing special. Liked: Nothing. Hated: Blocky polygon graphics. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: Star Fighter has quite a few selectable songs that you actually can choose which song you want to listen to as you play. The music is some pretty nice techno. The sound fx are okay. Liked: Cool music which is actually selectable. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Star Fighter has the worst controls of any game that I own. The controls just feel wrong. The ship is always out of control. The game design is okay, but I wish that more time would have been spent on the controls. Liked: Nothing. Hated: Horrid controls! **************************************************************************** Improve: Fix the friggin controls!!!! RIYL: If you like this game then maybe you should play a game that actually has good controls. **************************************************************************** Final Words: Star Fighter is a horrible game due to the fact that the controls suck. Stay away from this game! **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: * Graphics: ** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: * Personal Opinion: * Total: 8 out of 25 Final Score: 32 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None. Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.