Tailspin Game by Capcom Reviewed by Robby Cox koi@magicnet.net Size: Save: None Released: 1992 Works with: all Gameboy versions **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: A Game Boy game based on a lame Disney cartoon. Oh goody!!! I can't wait to play this game. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: Tailspin is a fairly standard shooter in the vein of Gradius. The only thing that sets this game apart is that you can pick up money to upgrade your plane, buy extra lives, or more continues. Liked: Collecting money to upgrade your plane. Hated: Just like every other shooter. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Tailspin has above-average graphics. The enemies are small and plain, but the backgrounds look nice, though. Liked: Large end-level bosses. Hated: Small enemies. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: Tailspin contains some pretty good tunes and average sound fx. Liked: The music. Hated: Nothing really. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Tailspin has some decent controls but I have some problems with the game design. I dislike the fact that the enemies are small but your plane is fairly large and slow. This makes you an easy target. Liked: The control. Hated: Your plane is too large. **************************************************************************** Improve: Make the plane that you control smaller and faster. RIYL: Gradius, Raiden, R-Type **************************************************************************** Final Words: If you loved the show then you should buy this game. But if you are looking for a competent shooter, then look elsewhere. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: *** Graphics: *** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: ** Personal Opinion: ** Total: 13 out of 25 Final Score: 52 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None