Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan Game by Ultra Reviewed by Robby Cox koi@magicnet.net Size: Save: None Released: 1990 Works with: all Gameboy versions Opening Snide Remarks: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a game that I used to love. I wonder if I still will? Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is pretty much your standard Final Fight/ Double Dragon type of play. Walk a few steps, fight, walk, fight, walk, throw in a few bosses and you have a game. What sets this game apart are the very cool levels. You will walk above ground for a while, then you will go into the sewers, then you will go to another location, all while on the same level. Graphics: The graphics in this game were great for an early Gameboy game. They stand up okay against newer games. The Ninja Turtles look like they do on TV or in the comics as do the enemies. The bosses are pretty big and very detailed. Sound: The sound effects in this game are excellent. They are very close to the effects in the cartoon. Music: The music in this game is perfect. The music is exactly like the music on the television program. Play Control: The control is easy to pick up and play but doesn't hinder the gameplay in the least. The "B" button makes the Ninja Turtle jump and the "A" button makes him use his weapon. Very nicely done. Final Analysis: This is an excellent brawler for just about anybody. If you are not totally sick and tired of Final Fight clones, or if you are a Ninja Turtle fan, then you should pick this game up. Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: **** Sound: **** Music: **** Play Control: **** Total: 20 out of 25 Final Score: 80 % Currently Known Codes: None