World Cup 98 Game by EA sports Review by BigBadBar Size is 96 or 128 megabits Save by Memory Pak Released summer 1998 Works with Memory Pak and Rumble Pak **************************************************************************** Opening Side Remarks: I bought this when it was released, because this was the most recent one. I came from the country with the best soccer team in the world. (Brazil) Even though they lost that match, we're still the best. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: It's a soccer game. What do you want? Magic Spells? This is a normal soccer game. The World Cup feature is nice. Too bad the Penalties = computer cheating... Liked: IT'S SOCCER! WOW. I WOULD NEVER FIGURE THAT OUT WITHOUT PLAYING IT! Hated: a little cheating on the Penalties. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Very smooth and the crowd is ok. I like the huge flags. The animation is great and the physics are well done. Liked: Great smooth graphics Hated: I don't know.... **************************************************************************** Sound Description: Commentary is repetitive and the crowd is OK. I like the entrance music... Liked: Music outside the game Hated: Commentary is repetitive **************************************************************************** Play Control/ Game design: Nice play control, even though I've seen better. (International Superstar Soccer) The computer is very smart and the world cup was very well designed... Liked: Almost everything Hated: I've seen better controls. **************************************************************************** Improve: More Commentary. Put more crowd animation. RIYL: Fifa 99, ISS 98 **************************************************************************** Final Words: Good game, but there is a Fifa 99 and a ISS 98 on the market. There is no motive to buy this game, unless you are a sports game collector geek. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: **** Personal Opinion: **** Total: 19 out of 25 Final Score: 76% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): Good **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your mental health. Ah who cares? Go to and you'll find some. **************************************************************************** Best Scene (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): The entrance is great.