The Mission of Life Presents--
Vision of Hope


Welcome to our Holy Apothecary:

     Earlier this year I had a vision.  After a lot of prayer for direction, I am beginning this Holy Mission.

If you've gone through my web site, it is easy to see why I feel I must actively do my part to bring bible prophecy into reality.

It is the goal of the Mission of Life to bring a 'vision of hope' to sufferers af all ills.  Please come in and take a look around, selection may be small but I do strive for high quality in all products.

Come on in and take a look.

I will not send, ship, or deliver any product to any who would impede the goodness and self-help- healing I am undertaking and offering to those ill that ask.  Any associates acting on behalf of the Mission of Life/Vision of Hope cannot be held legally accountable for any product ordered, in our possession, and or other, if the procurer is a Fraud.
Those that procure any product with the intent to legally harm our organization does so knowing he/she loses any protection the law may have otherwise afforded, thus making ALL who participate against us fraudulently an equal accessory to the fact.
                   --  We are all guilty or we are Equally innocent...Anything in-between is prejudice  --

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