
Some may say Jesus, for most--it's just God.
A Christian may say Christ, while a Muslim says Allah.

Baptists' God has a spirited church, to help with depressions.
Methodists' God seeks attendance, during Sunday school lessons.
Catholic's God asks secrets, during what they call confessions.

Should we say Lord? Is it conceit to believe in only one?
Why do some say Father, when they really worship his Son?

Agnostics believe depending on the significance of their wish.
Yet to the Atheists, he is nothing. To them he does not exist.

Judaism provides the Torah to help their people learn.
Jews remain patient as they anticipate their God's return.

Buddhists remain silent to resist Earth's temptations.
Jehovah says to worship cows as people die of starvation.
Hindus ask Yahweh for another chance through reincarnation.

Lutherans say Holy Spirit, considered precious as pearls.
Protestants use Messiah; to Presbyterians, Savior of the world.

There're many diverse religions. Perhaps they're all the same?
Maybe we pray to the same God, some just use different names.


--Vincent I. Phipps



For additional information, please contact
Email Vincent Phipps or call 991-4367 or
Email Kenya Moss or call 624-8446

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