| Filename | Type | Purpose |
| index | .htm | Home Page - frame control |
| indextop | .htm | Home Page top frame |
| indexleft | .htm | Home Page left frame |
| indexright | .htm | Home Page right frame |
| indexright | .htm | Home Page right frame |
| button1 | .htm | Information - Guarantees |
| button2 | .htm | Information - How to make purchases |
| button3 | .htm | Information - About Us (the company) |
| button4 | .htm | Information - How to Contact Us |
| button5 | .htm | Discussion Group |
| button6 | .htm | Purchase Cart display |
| button7 | .htm | Links for further information & discussion |
| vipps | .htm | Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice site |
| verisign | .htm | Verisign website verification |
| bbb | .htm | BetterBusinessBureau Online site approval |
| checkout | .htm | Purchase checkout (payment) |
| enter | .htm | User Status (new/old) Frame control |
| entertop | .htm | Small Shopping cart display & top frame |
| enterbottom | .htm | User Status bottom frame |
| newuser | .htm | New User ID and password creation |
| oldcust | .htm | Returning Customer ID and PW entry
Forgotten PW, Administrative entry |
| Filename | Type | Purpose |
| newcust-post | .asp | add new customer id/pw to database #2 |
| oldcust-post | .asp | verify customer id/pw match database #2 |
| admin | .htm | administrative controls screen |
| admin-show | .asp | admin - show user database #2 entries |
| admin-delete | .asp | delete user from database #2 |
| admin-showp | .asp | show product database #1 entries |
| admin-deletep | .asp | delete product from database #1 |
| admin-addp | .asp | admin - add product (key) to database #1 |
| admin-changep | .asp | change product field(s) from database #1 |
| fgp1 | .mdb | microsoft access database for products |
| fgp2 | .mdb | microsoft access database for user information