I am sincerely honored and humbled to have received every one of these awards. My pages were mainly created for the enjoyment of family and friends, so to have gained recognition from these fine people really makes my heart just smile. Click on the award to visit their great sites!!

I am so proud of this I can't stand it!!! My first award from one of my favorite sites ... it doesn't get much better than this. Thanks so much Flasher!!!

Wow!!! Many thanks Sharon Rose, what an honor!

What a thrill and an honor from some really great folks, a big thanks to the Stines Family!

A big surprise from a real WebTV pro, thanks a million Stephanie, I can't tell you how much this means to me!

Awwwwww another huge surprise and honor from a PC user no less!!! Thanks so much Carmi!

Cathy this is just great, I don't know what to say ... but thank you so much!!! Above all I wanted my pages to be beautiful and I appreciate your recognition, it means so much (and hey another PC user).

Thank you so much Cinderella and Prince Charming, your awards have really made my heart smile. (Prince Charming??? Hey I've been looking for him, lol.)

WOW!!!!!!!! What a big big surprise from a WebTV heavyweight. I can't even think straight on this one!!! Thank you so much GlimerMann, I doubt anyone could ever know what this means to me. Your pages have helped me so much and this award encourages me to go forward and do more ... and I thank you.

Well how do you like that ... these two awards came to me all the way from Australia!!! Doesn't that just beat all? Thank you so much Deb, these awards are just beautiful. And thank you for your Best of the Web award especially. I have never received such an award and how thrilling that you have awarded it to my site.

I continue to be just amazed at the kindness shown to me by so many talented and wonderful people. Princess M.S. these awards are just stunning. I must admit that when I received them I actually cried. You are too kind.

Oh this is so nice!!! Thank you so much Ally ... I am so pleased and honored to have your award. It is so great to receive an award from another WebTV user ... I think only they can truly understand what work it is to make nice pages. This is AWESOME!!!

Oh my friends, wait until you see these next awards!!! The woman who presented them to me, Catt, is just too good for words. I tell you, if you miss her site you have missed something truly special. Thank you Catt, from the bottom of my heart ... more important than these awards was the chance to become your friend. I am quite honored to have received one of the awards not posted on Catt's pages. What a special special thing to me. Quite the icing on the cake of the other two marvelous awards, which shine brightly in their own right. I'm crying again here ....