This page consists of things I "wish" for. Some realistic, some unrealistic, some possible, some impossible. Some are materialistic and some are ideals. Above all I don't want to ever intentionally insult or hurt anyone's feelings ... but this is my website and there has to be one little corner that is just for me. Maybe this really is a combination of my wishes and ranting and raving. Please don't e-mail me and tell me that something has insulted you from this page. If you have those kind of quick e-mail fingers, please go to the back button below and choose one of my other pages. They are all "Disneyed up" pretty good. I am an incredibly kind and tolerant person and have the patience of Jobe, but this page is for me ... maybe you'll even agree with me on some points. Besides, I'm 40 years old now and one small benefit should be that I get to call it as I see it.

I wish people would stop sending me e-mail messages that have these terrific inspirational messages or touching stories, but at the end it says I have to forward it to 10 other people or I will have bad luck, never find happiness, or some other such nonsense. Such childish threats make me hit the delete button and forget the message faster than anything I can think of. If something touches me and I think others would get something out of it or enjoy receiving it, I forward it. I am not superstitious and I give my friends the courtesy of not forwarding anything to them that contains a threat.

I wish I had a dishwasher. So you say, "Richelle, just go out and buy one!" Well, not so easy. I have a "work" kitchen and to have a dishwasher would mean it would have to be placed in front of the utinsel drawers. I could put it further away from the sink, but that would add additional wear and tear on the already deteriorating tile floor. (I rent by the way.) Sooooo this $500 dishwasher would cost a lot more. Hmmmmmm I'm always thinking though.

I wish O.J. Simpson would get what's coming to him. I know he did it. I have lived around abusive men. Anyone who has is so perceptive they can spot it a mile away. Come on, I didn't even need to know about the shoes! I work at a law firm and am quite aware of double jeopardy and the fact that he can't be tried again, but I can wish can't I?

I wish K.D. hadn't ruined my white leather couch. Enough said.

I wish I had a real computer. I could do all sorts of really, really fancy things. But I think one of the biggest insults I ever got about one of my pages was that it looked like I did it on a P.C. and I think it was meant as a compliment.

I got it!!! I got it!!! A brand new Dell Pentium III. Wow, I'll be dangerous now. And for my birthday my mom and sister bought me a printer and scanner. I'm in computer heaven now!

I wish my white trash neighbor would stop using vulgar language toward his grandchildren. I wish he was made to stand there and shudder and cry while someone yelled insult after insult toward him, but he couldn't respond for fear of getting hit. And I wish the parents of the shuddering, crying children had their priorities straight and protected them from such abuse. Do I intervene? You bet I do, every chance I get. How easy it is to walk out in the yard with K.D. and pretend nothing is going on and say "hey kids, come give me a hug!!!" And they so want that hug. I want that hug. Its horrible to have to pretend though. Its horrible that I'm not always home.

I wish the Clintons would stop the scandelous behavior that makes the headlines day after day. I can't believe I actually mentioned the name on one of my pages. And you're right, I never voted for Bill Clinton. Don't even get me started on this one.

I wish my mom hadn't given away my Barbies and all of the beautiful Barbie clothes our dear friend Jean made for me. (Mom, I know I need to give it a rest, LOL. But just think ... once you retire you can build your own website with your own Wish List and you can say "I wish my daughter would stop complaining about the damned Barbies!!!" This is all very liberating you know. And be honest now, you knew this one was coming!!!)

Thanks to my pal Denise, I have plenty of Barbies now! Please click on my Happy Birthday Barbie balloon to see the great pages Denise made for me for my bithday, with plenty of Barbies!

I wish I lived out in the country. A place where they still have dirt roads and lots of trees and wildflowers. And K.D. could run around free.

I wish I knew who "Deepthroat" was from the Watergate scandal. Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward (the famed Washington Post reporters) have said they will reveal Deepthroat's identity upon his death, so I'm not wishing too hard on this one. (His death??? Okay, so we know its not a woman at least!!!)