The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.


This is a picture of me and my friend Jan which was taken just after got out of boot camp (hence the uniform). Very strange ... me with short hair and Jan with long hair ... but what hasn't changed is that I still consider Jan to be one of my greatest friends. We have known each other since we were 5 years old (whew, thats a long time!!!). Jan is also dearly loved by my family .. well my mom claims she practically raised her. Everyone who meets Jan is taken with her wit and incredible sense of humor. But those who know her well are always moved by her generosity, kindness, and deep caring for others. Truly a remarkable woman I am proud to still call my friend after all these years.


And here is my friend Norma who I have known for I guess about a dozen years, but it seems like I've known her forever. Oh what can I say about Norma? Well she is just the most charming, poised and together person I know. Norma has always been there for me and I strive to always return the goodness she has shown to me over the years. She may be one of the few people that truly understands me (no small feat!!!) and so our friendship is very close to my heart. And her wonderful way of thinking has opened my life to other cultures and life experiences, and I thank her for that.


This is such a fun picture of Debbie!!! With Debbie I psychoanalyze and reanalyse everything. She thinks like I think. (Scary!) I certainly don't know anyone other than her that can talk on the phone longer than me!!! She is a great friend, so smart, and so helpful to others.