Argus C3 and C4 Leather Patterns

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The .GIF files shown below are leather patterns for Argus cameras.
To download a pattern, just scroll down to the one you want,
right click on it and save it to your computer.
These were scanned at 300DPI, and should come out to scale if printed at that resolution.
If this doesn’t work, the 100mm Reference scales are provided so that
you can measure with a metric ruler and key in the appropriate percentage adjustment
in your editor or on a photocopy machine.

To use a pattern, use double-stick tape to apply it
to a sheet of leather, then carefully cut along the lines
with a sharp Xacto blade.

I don’t know if these are perfect, but I’ll make improvements as I learn of any problems.

The images are, from top to bottom:

1- C3 Front, main lower section (also fits C2, adaptable to C)
2- C3 Front, 3 small upper pieces
3- C3 Back (3-section, with or without film reminder dial)
4- C4 Front (Also includes details for C44)
5- C4 Back

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