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L.Kingfisher S.Hornbill S.Flycatcher Maleo  Barn Swallow



BIRDING 8 Days/ 7 Nights  




Day 01: Arrival Transfer to Tangkoko

Arrive in Manado, the capital city of north  Sulawesi.

Meet your guide at the airport.  

Drive to Tangkoko - Dua Sudara Nature Reserves, taking about 2 hours to get there passing lush coconut plantation and picturesque villages.  

On the way in you might spot Knobbed Hornbill, Barred Rail and Barred Buttonquail. Barred Rails are common along this road. 

Check into Mama Ross guest house or similar.


Day 02: Early morning birding around Tangkoko Reserve.

Target of birding: Small and large Sulawesi hanging Parrots (e), Red-knobbed Hornbill (e - very common here), Dwarf Hornbill (e), Green, White-bellied and Silver-tipped (e) Imperial Pigeons and White-rumped Cuckoo-shrike (e)

Sulawesi Cicadabird (e), Sulawesi Drongo (e),  Isabelline Bush-hen (e), Sulawesi Black Pigeon (e), Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher (e), Sulawesi Babbler (e - common), White-necked Myna (e), Gross-beak Starling, Ashy Woodpecker (e), Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker (e), Brown-throated and Olive-backed Sunbirds (common here), Grey and Yellow-sided flowerpeckers (e), Hair-crested Drongo, Slender-billed Crow, Pacific Swallow, Sooty-headed Bulbul, Collared Kingfisher, Black-naped Oriole (quite common on lower area) and Grey-rumped Treeswifts.  Lunch will be prepared by the beach.

Late in the afternoon proceed to the coastal forest to catch a glimpse of  one of the world’s smallest primates, the Spectral Tarsier.


Day 03: Early morning birding around Tangkoko Reserve.

Highlights of birding are Purple-winged Roller (e), close-up pair of Buff-banded Rails, S. Black Pigeon (e), Ornate Lorikeet (e), Blue-backed Parrot, Large (E) and Small (e) S. Hanging Parrots, Yellow-billed Malkoha (e), Lesser Coucal,  Moluccan Swiftlet (e), S. Triller (e), Golden-headed Cisticola, Grosbeak   Starling (e) Yellow-sided (e) and Grey-sided (e) Flowerpeckers, Black-fronted White-eye, and Chestnut Munia.

Birding along a track that parallels the ocean, taking you eventually into the coastal forest. you hike a trail that goes up to higher elevation to spot the Green-backed Kingfisher (e), one of the harder forest Kingfishers, Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher (e), Ashy Woodpeckers (e), Brown Cuckoo-dove, Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon (e), Black-naped Fruit Dove (e), Sulawesi Babbler (e – one of only 2 babblers found east of Wallace), and  Black-naped Monarch. Sulawesi Serpent-eagle (e), Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail (e), Sulawesi Cicadabird (e), and White-necked Myna (e).


Day 04: Tangkoko - Dumoga Bone Park (7 Hours)                    

This day is to be a long drive to the Dumoga Bone National Park via Manado then through coastal roads.

Before you get to the park, you will come across some flooded rice fields and ponds, where you will get your best looks  at Javan Pond Heron,  Purple Heron, Little and Great Egrets, Cinnamon Bitterns,  Wandering Whistling Ducks, Sunda Teal, White-browed Crakes,  White-breasted Waterhen, Common and Dusky Moorhens, and Sacred Kingfisher.

Overnight by the river at Torout Guesthouse/ or at the local's house.

Before dinner, birding for an hour or two on the edge of a small lake in front of the guest house to see Great Eared Nightjar. 

This lake has a   couple of large dead trees in the middle of it and they are home to a raucous group of Grosbeak Starlings.

After supper, we’ll try to find  Sulawesi Masked Owl (e).



Early morning proceed to the forest. First, we’ll across the small river on a raft made of lashed together bamboo poles.

Target of birding:  Oriental Cuckoo, the Maroon-chinned Fruit Dove (e),

Lilac-cheeked Kingfisher (e), Bay Coucal (e), Lesser Coucal, Black-naped Fruit Dove, Green Imperial Pigeon, Knobbed Hornbills. Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher, Sulawesi ground-dove (e - very difficult to see), Purple Needletails, Barred Rails,  Wandering Whistling Duck, Sunda Teal, Chestnut Munias, Asian Glossy  Starlings.

After dinner, birding at the river edge to find Sulawesi Scop Owl and Great Eared Nightjars.


Day 06: Tambun (Maleo Bird hatching site) - Matayangan

We drive for about an hour to Tambun (Project of nesting Maleo)   where there are hot springs and the ground is heated from geothermal sources.

The Maleo uses the warm soil to lay its egg in a hole about 18 inches deep, cover it up, and walk away never to see the offspring or take part in its upbringing.

Other birds to see: Plaintive Cuckoo,  Wandering Whistling Ducks and Sunda Teal, Black-billed Koel, Sulawesi Black Pigeon, Ivory-backed Wood-swallows, Stephan’s Dove, Red- knobbed Hornbill (e), Great-billed Kingfisher (e), Yellow and Cinnamon Bitterns, White-bellied, Green, and Grey-headed Imperial Pigeons and Asian Palm Swifts, Dwarf  Hornbills (e), and Purple Rollers, Brown Cuckoo-Dove, Superb  and Black-naped Fruit Doves, Ornate Lorikeet, Small Sulawesi Hanging Parrot (e), Bay Coucal, Ashy Woodpecker, Sulawesi Cicadabird (e), Sulawesi Babbler (e), and Crimson Sunbird.


After lunch, birding to Matayangan area.

The roadside birding here is pretty good and is not too busy with vehicles.

Birds to see: Sulawesi Hawk-eagle (e)  Glossy Swiftlet (below eye level), , Rufous-bellied Eagle, Sulawesi small and large hanging parrots, , Sulawesi Hawk-eagle,  Barred Honey Buzzard, Purple Needletails, Glossy Swiftlets,  Ivory-backed  Wood-swallows, ). Red-throated Little Grebe, Brahminy Kites and Purple Swamphen, Yellow-sided Flowerpecker, yellow-breasted Racquet-tail, Sulawesi Black Pigeon (e).

Late in the afternoon return to Guest House.


Day 07: Dumoga Bone - Mt. Ambang - Manado

Depart early morning to Mt. Ambang via a little town, Kotamobagu and Lake Moaad (1000 m).  Trekking to the foot of Mt. Ambang with stunning view all the way passing vegetable gardens.

Birds to see:   Red-eared fruit-dove, Purple-bearded Bee-eater (e), Sulawesi hawk-eagle (e), Red-backed Trush (e), Lesser Sulawesi honeyeater (e), Matinan Flycatcher (e), etc.  This a great birding at a little site.

Drive to Manado via coastal roads.  Arrive late in the afternoon check into hotel.


Day 08: Departure

Free at leisure before depart.  


Suggested hotel/ resort around Manado or outside of Manado

- Tasik Ria Resort (rated 3 star resort) by the beach. (20 km outside of town)

- Santika Resort (rated 4 star) surrounded with mangroves forest, located by the beach (15 km outside of town)

- Gardenia Country Inn (rated 3 star) on the foot of Mt. Lokon.  surrounded with rice fields and there is a small disturbed forest nearby.


Important notes:

- Accommodation at Tangkoko is very basic.  Food served is Indonesian meals.

- Accommodation at Dumoga Bone park is also very basic.  Local's house might be the best alternative available.

- Due to the park regulation, it is a must to involve local rangers during  birding, trekking, and other activities.

- November to April is rainy seasons


Note: Bird list on the itinerary based on one year field survey and data collected form the local birders. 


6 Days/ 5 Nights

 Parrot Sunbird Contact us for up dated schedule and price......................................................................

Other Birdwatching Programs:

    Birding Central Sulawesi  (fly from Manado, North Sualwesi)

   Birding Halmahera & Ternate (Maluku Island - available upon request)

   Birding Papua Island (available upon request)


Last modified:Wednesday, July 02, 2003                      

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