Aliens attack

One day in the 50s these aliens came down to earth. They said “we come in peace”. We were so scared we shot every one of them. We even shot down their ships and put them in the desert somewhere. Well any way in the year 2007 the aliens came back never receiving any other notice, they came to see what is going on. They got to earth and saw all the things of theirs that we had stolen  microwaves, dishwashers, Paule Shore you know. Well they had their ships ready in case we were hostile to them. Turns out that the first person they talked to shot them with a 45. The aliens sent in their full force, every military on earth fought them except Canada. They made friends with aliens in the 1920s. Well alien and man alike were dropping like flies. They unleashed their death rays and destroyed most of the earth planets major cities. Earth launched our I.C.B.M (intercontinental ballistic missile for those not knowledgeable on destructive weaponry). Earth destroyed most of their flag ships and even took a chunk out if the mother ship. Well to make a long story short, earth lost aliens won. But it really wasn’t that bad they told them how to save our ozone and environments, who knew a mix of chocolate, Dr. Pepper, and catsup makes a gas that regenerated things.. The aliens left and earth made o buildings in the forests and had a great planet again.


Moral of the story

Don’t shoot aliens or they’ll whoop you in a fight any day

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