Good for a yodeler who could add a yodel to chorus.
Kids lined up each Saturday morning,
to watch movies about the old west,
Serials where heroes went storming,
taming the villains, and saving the rest.
The horses had names, known by each child,
Champion, and Trigger, and others much-loved.
They were as much of a hero in Serial style,
as the smiling Cowboy sitting proudly above.
He went loping along, singing a song,
playing hard-to-get with the girls.
Ladies watched from afar. He was the Star,
in that Saturday Serial World.
At night round the campfire, songs rode the wind.
The rustlers and bad guys lurked somewhere nearby.
Then a faithful horse would whinny to send
a warning for Cowboys to saddle up and fly.
The kids understood, and knew that, of course,
the Cowboy was not one to stay.
He'd rather comfort and thank his good horse,
with just a wave to the ladies, as he rode away .
He went loping along, singing a song,
playing hard-to-get with the girls.
Ladies watched from afar.He was the star,
in that Saturday Serial World.
( © 2003 - "Future Folk" Music - Betty J. Curtis )