IST 1999/2000 Guestbook


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120 Entries on 12 Page(s) · Current Page: 1
2022 hits since 1999-11-23 12:24:49


120 Date: 1999-12-12 12:58:43
Justine ( / no homepage) wrote:

hey pplz! hmm ok well just an update of what we have been doin down here in syd:) ON saturDAY/nite it was homebake!!!.. we had such fun!!! was really amazing!!!! i went crowd surfing!!!can u beleive?? and and talz malat ended up right IN TEH VERY FRONT of the mosh pitt ..during silver chair and powderfinger..we were like so close we couldv touched them!..if it wasnt for these bar thing sinfront of us! was really unbeleivable..we saw every little detail!!!!!!!.. and we were surrounded with all these HUGE guyz pushing us n stuff! haha...but it was worth it and teh whole time..all i was thinking to myself was..ok if im gona die..i wana die like thissssss haha:)) so neways no more news here in syd!! hope u guyz area ll having the most unreal time ever we are all missing u more then words! mwwwwwaaaaaaa spk to all soon jus pogs

119 Date: 1999-12-12 08:20:58
NiXxXy Shnitzzyy ( / no homepage) wrote:

hey guys.... firstly i wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY STOFFELAA....i have now tried to call you 3 times and all 3 i have not been able to get you... i hope you got my fax and messages and had unreal day... jambo and greggy... thanx so much for the call... it was soo nice to hear from you.... well guys... iknow you dont get these cause sam told me but idont care anyways.... i just want you guys to know i luv you and miss you all like crazy.... it is so shit and boring here... i just wantyou guys to come home already!!! so get a move on.... i miss you all... please keep in touch...hope everything is still as good as it wassss... mazel all the house you guys... and miss you tunzzz... mwaaa.... love MEEEE!!!

118 Date: 1999-12-12 07:08:35
KIMandTALZ ( / no homepage) wrote:

GDAY ALL. IT IS SUNDAY and a hot beautiful day. we just got back from the beach n its awsome. talz went 2 homebake yesterday and ash it was "siic n unreal" n gav it "rocked the disco" Kim is hoping her FAITHFUL andTRUSTWORTHY boyfriend is being a good little INKY! mwa well guys we gtg now we r going out later HAVE THE MOST AMOIZING TIME LUV U ALL HEAPSSSS LUV TALZZZ N KIMBLOOO CHEERS XOXOXO

117 Date: 1999-12-12 06:07:25
Roxxxxyyy ( / no homepage) wrote:

nix, tal, juss, sam, bo, flos,kitty.....i miss you guys....pleasee hurry up and come home already! its so boring without u guys!! btw did u get my fax i sent last night? stoffles..hope u had a good b-day... mazel to all the new house and vice captains! oh and cands thanx for the phone call.... ill try call u guys soon i just dont know yur room numbers?? i have been thinking about u guys 24/ 7!! boys...havnt heard much from you?!?! hope u have an awesome time!! i miss u all! keep well.....and in touch!!:) luv u all...RoCki

116 Date: 1999-12-12 04:35:58
Taz ( / no homepage) wrote:

Hey to Li, Moyra, Car, Benni, Sav, Ilz, Katib, Neano, Langaz, Zeb and Rach, and anyone else i have forgotten :) Hope you are all having an Amazing time!! Benni, Kimbles, Li and Moyra thanks for the postcards .. they are soo cute :) Zeb, i heard about the chickenpox :( shamee hunzz feel better soon.. ahh well at least u finally caught it !! :) Carz, Li, and moyra thanks for the emails !! :) Keep them coming! Happy sweet 16th birthday to Katib and Neano for next week!!! :) miss you all heapsssss !! Tazz

115 Date: 1999-12-12 02:36:12
JQ ( / no homepage) wrote:

heya guys...just a qick congrats to kath,cara,lella, and jords and carlz and ne1 else i have 4gotten missing you heaps and ill see u soon!!! phone me!!!! heheh luv ya all lots and lots and mising you like crazy carlz JQ

114 Date: 1999-12-12 01:46:48
Jemz ( / no homepage) wrote:

Dear Ryan, Hope ur havin a great time! missing you heaps. The house is so quiet without you! We have some interesting news for you so call soon. Luv u heaps. Love Jemz, Danz(fish face),carli and Jodz! MWA

113 Date: 1999-12-12 01:04:39
DANA ( / no homepage) wrote:

hey rak, dolli, kath, lella, cara, jords, caz and ne one else i ahve forgotten(sorry). just another quick msg to say hi and im missing u all heaps!!! for the ones that r sic....hurry up and get better!! luv always dana (a post card or call would b nice :)

112 Date: 1999-12-12 00:49:47
Bonita Levy ( / no homepage) wrote:

Dear Becks Missing you like crazy Your ever-adoring Mum

111 Date: 1999-12-11 08:23:21
Tovs ( / wrote:

Hey to Kimble, Moyra, Li, Carz, Katib, Zeb, Rach, Laz, Langaz, Benni, Savi, Ilz, Cygz, and everyone else (sorry can't remember any other names right now)! Hope you're all having a great time and are looking after yourselves. Congrats to Kim Ilana Sav Cygal and everyone else for their awards, and to all the house captains too:) Hope to hear from you soon, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to KATIB for next week:)

110 Date: 1999-12-11 02:03:05
CALZY ( / no homepage) wrote:

DEAR STEVE... HAPPPPPPPPPPYYYY sweet 16th BIRRRRRTHHDAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! i hope u have an incredible birthdayy....we will be thinking of u!! Enjoy it to its max coz ull only ever be 16 once... misssssssing u heapppsss!!!!!!!! love ya lots!!!!! love always CALZY!!!!

109 Date: 1999-12-10 08:59:02
Fella ( / no homepage) wrote:

guys just sayin hi and hope u r having the best tiome in ur life... still. Im not to sure who got house captains but what i can hear... well done kerry!!!! i had a chat to ur bro the other night... haha we had a chat about u... only good dont woz. Kerry im miisn what u always say to me.. haahah well done anna and every one else that got house captains... bec,candz big hi to u 2 from down under... im missin u both!!!! hope to spk soon!!! love Ari!!!

108 Date: 1999-12-10 07:59:45
Julia Tockar ( / no homepage) wrote:

dear carlziii, How are you?.. We are on holidays now- FINALLY Hope ya having a gr88 time!!!!! BTW, i get my braces in a week! :( Luv ya...and we are all missing you heaps luv julzii

107 Date: 1999-12-10 07:37:00
Daniel ( / no homepage) wrote:

hey hell i hope your having a great time well im sure you are unlike me im stuck at home with two old farts and i have to go to school 5 days a week hehehehehehe only joking well acctually i wasnt well im just confusing my self all i wanted to say was i love you and i miss you heaps.

106 Date: 1999-12-10 03:55:58
ZiNNy ( / no homepage) wrote:

hey everyoneee!!! you all having fun there.....don't miss us too much! my p's going away next week hopefully party time if i can do something bout the neighbours. anyway... we all missing u all heaps looking forward to talking to u soon..cya's

105 Date: 1999-12-10 01:21:19
didi and vivi (no email / no homepage) wrote:

Hello guys, it's Dan Lewis and Viv Mill This is just a quicki to say we luv u ALLLL missing u AALLL and we hope u having an amazing time! to: franx,bo,kitty,floss,jus,sam,talz,anna,trax,berta,brett,greg,steven,dean,gav,dylz,ash,seskin...the nth really is just a bush without u we miss u sssoooooooossooooo much. we hope u looking after yourselves and eachother...and not doing nething we wouldnt do....hmm....ENJOYYY luv u all!!!!

104 Date: 1999-12-09 11:25:40
annette ross ( / no homepage) wrote:

Hi Mike, just to let u know you are house captain for 2000 well done! keep safe and well , love from all

103 Date: 1999-12-09 11:23:41
CALZY ( / no homepage) wrote:

HEY GALSSS AND GUYSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! just a quick message to sayyy hope u having fun....tal and whoever else is not feeling 100% get better sooon!!! well done all of u who got prizes and house captains....hope to spk to u all soon misssing u lots love always and forever calzy!!!

102 Date: 1999-12-09 11:17:30
steff cohen ( / no homepage) wrote:


101 Date: 1999-12-09 11:11:54
Jes (no email / no homepage) wrote:

hi guys!! just a quick message - i got home from speech night and wanted to say congrats to all! sooooo many ppl to list ,but i'm proud of all of u! :) i miss u all sooo much!Cas, i walked up to st ives and bought ingredients for a greek salad - made me think of u! damn, i miss u :) hehe bertz, yr mum said u send yr love :) and gave me the e-mail addy, expect an e-mail soon! miss 'bludging on the comfy couches' with u! btw, i was originally going to homebake on saturday, but i forgot to book - caught up in barmi and wedding emotions. sharing a house with 15 ppl ! hehe! it sux. anywayz, have to go. send my love to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fax u all soon :) lotsa luv, Ren ~*

100 Date: 1999-12-09 10:51:49
Justine ( / no homepage) wrote:

hey guyz!!! well i just got back home from speech nite... and i quickly just wanted to email u guyz!!and wish all of u who got house captains mazeltov...if u haven't heard yet.. NIX FRANK!!!!i am sooo proud of u gorjes!..but i wasnt even shocked..coz u really deserve it! douglas st is sooo quiet without u..!plz send luv to ke,jussy,candz and all the others!(moriah pplz aswell:)!!!!!! (yur mom is here and absolutely shocked and extatic'' she wanted to fone u but isnt sure if u back from macabiah yet!!she says well dun in yur new role MS HOUSE CAPTAIN-!!and from all the poggies we are soo proud of u shnoox!-mazeltov!) KE SCHNEIDER-i am soooooo proud of u babes!!!well dun !!!!...expect a fax ssooooon 4 yur bday!!im missing u more then words baby:) homegirl:) ANZ TABACHNIK-well dun shnoox!! missing u all so much!!plz send luv to berta,trax,&jeni.. SAMMI brett!!!well done my angel!i saw yur mom the other day at skool and i told her to send u my love when she spoke to u !!..we had a long talk:)haha GREGI,ALTZ,WAYNE BASK,MIKE ROSS, and STEVE mazeltov im really proud of u guyz!:) hmm TOMMORROW is our last day of skool!..the weather has been soooo hot here!..and so we will be going to the beach heaps in the hols im sure!.. on saturday i am going to HOMEBAKE with a few other ppl1so im really excited..and then on monday its ''DREAM''..but i miss u guyz HEAPS!! and i hope u all having the best time in the world! im counting down the days :) hope to hear fromost of u soon!!! all my love,hugs and kisses JUSSSS POGS

99 Date: 1999-12-09 09:18:35
jojo (no email / no homepage) wrote:


98 Date: 1999-12-09 09:13:53
JoJo ( / no homepage) wrote:

hello boys n galz... just a short one to say hi mazel for all the smooches!! NORTH GIRLS.... have u all turned lez???? go tal hahaha cummon man! i know,,,, u waitng for gadnah and the army guys :) hahaha i love u all and miss you sooooo much sammy floss and franxx thanks for the call.. fukign ddint geti to spk to you... :((((( love uuuuu

97 Date: 1999-12-09 07:27:16
Rox ( / no homepage) wrote:

hey guys....just a quick one to say i am thinking of u all the time and things just rnt the same without u here! sam....thanx for the phone call, my sis gave me the message ...i wish i was here to talk :(( im missing u all soo much *sob*:( please write and keep in touch...oh yeh mazel gregii(for cara) and talz(for ezra)im waiting to hear more goss! luv u all! have a good one! luv Rox

96 Date: 1999-12-08 23:53:51
Jes (no email / no homepage) wrote:

Hey guys :) Hope you're having an amzing time! Miss you all sooo much - hope you got the e-mails I sent. Things are kinda boring at the moment, but ok. There have been a couple of parties & get togethers, but it's not the same with out you guys! :( Lookin forward to hearing from you soon. lotsa luv, Ren

95 Date: 1999-12-08 13:10:34
NiXyyyy ( / no homepage) wrote:

galz n guys.... its me AGAIN.... well i am just writing to say i love you guys and i miss you all even though you know it already..... jussy and cands thanx so much for the calls.... it was so nice speaking to you and juss soz i neva knew who you were... dont woz u know i still love you... guys i am missing you so much but glad to know that u all having a brills time.... things here are kewl... very chilled and very boring... speech night tomoz... ill let you all know... love you guys..... email sooooooooooon and please keep in touch... love always shnitzer!!!

94 Date: 1999-12-08 10:51:07
Max Rotwell (no email / no homepage) wrote:

93 Date: 1999-12-08 10:47:02
Dale Brett (no email / no homepage) wrote:
Dear Sammiii, Hope u having a kewll time!!!! missing u lotzzz Dale

92 Date: 1999-12-08 09:51:49
GIldY ( / no homepage) wrote:
gday pplz.... just a quick one to say gday.... and baskin i got it today .... its quite shity.... but thanx anyways... hope u guys r having a good time.... speak to yas laterr

91 Date: 1999-12-08 09:09:44
Josie Rutovitz ( / no homepage) wrote:

To Sandra and Meytal Hollis Hope you are all having a fantastic time. We are all well here and are enjoying the photographs you are sending. Keep well and hope to hear from you soon. The Rutovitz'z.

90 Date: 1999-12-08 08:12:45
Lindy Abelsohn ( / no homepage) wrote:

To all the Masada IST'ers.. Hey guys....I hope you are all having the most unbelievable time down there. Take care of yourselves, and update us all on the goss:)

89 Date: 1999-12-08 04:04:02
STEFF AND MISH (no email / no homepage) wrote:


88 Date: 1999-12-08 02:16:10
Ahmed Skitzy ( / no homepage) wrote:
Bring the house down Ezra, yew da man !

87 Date: 1999-12-07 10:43:01
Yr 11 past ISTers (no email / no homepage) wrote:
Hope you guys are having an amazing time!!! Enjoy it and stay out of trouble. Say hi to Reuven from us!!!

86 Date: 1999-12-07 09:22:20
Rhonda Lubowski ( / no homepage) wrote:
what a wonderful idea to have the contact with the ist group

85 Date: 1999-12-07 08:19:03
Julia Tockar ( / no homepage) wrote:
hey carlziii, hows everything? hope your having an unreal timee Well.. luv ya staxxxx i miss u heapss- but i luv your bed, it rulz PS: Tell rak i say HAPPY B'DAY julziii

84 Date: 1999-12-07 07:26:19
JQ ( / no homepage) wrote:
hey rak...u thought i had forgotten but i havent HAPPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i know its not the same without me there but be strong ( heheh ) wish u all the best and get well soon luv u lots luv always carlz

83 Date: 1999-12-07 06:31:20
dana ( / no homepage) wrote:
rak.......i thought id keep the tradition going so HAPPPPYYYYYYYYY BIRTHHDAAAYYYYYY!!!! hope u have an unreal day and look after urself (i heard u werent so well). i miss u HEAPS. lots of luv dana :)

82 Date: 1999-12-07 06:19:04
Daniel Szekely ( / no homepage) wrote:
hi hell wishing you a very happy B'day hope you have lots of fun and dont forget I love you

81 Date: 1999-12-07 06:16:44
Sue and Les ( / no homepage) wrote:

Dear Rachel HAPPY B'DAY wishing you a terrific day full of fun miss you lots love mum and dad.Also happy b'day wishes from nanna,grandma and grandpa,kathy,sharon,andria,and families

80 Date: 1999-12-07 01:23:51
CALZ AND GABZ (no email / no homepage) wrote:

HEY GALSSSSSSSS..... hope u alll having the time of ur lives....syd is alritey, misssing u lots and plz keep in touch(fonecalls r good :) love always calz and gabz!!

79 Date: 1999-12-06 11:40:44
Krimo ( / no homepage) wrote:

Hey guys... hope you all having a brilliant time and missing you all.... soz i havent emailed but i will as soon as my nets fixed... enjoy... Krimo

78 Date: 1999-12-06 08:57:53
Shnitz ( / no homepage) wrote: i miss you alll sooo much.... hope your free w.e was amazing... from wat i heard it was and for 1 or 2 of you it was sexcellent..:P guys enjoy it and please please all keep in touch and try email sumtime soon... i miss you and luv you all... stoff and juss thanx 4 the calls... mwaa.. cya always...shnitz

77 Date: 1999-12-06 00:40:22
Rox ( / no homepage) wrote:

hope u all had a good free w.e! MISSING U ALL SOOO MUCH!! flos, bo, kitty, talz, franx, sam, juss, gregii, brett, baskin, ashy, dillz, gav, stoff, beni, langas, rossy, altz..hope u all having an unbelievable time!! i hope to here some news again soon.....please keep in touch!! take care, luv u all, Roxy..p.s check your hotmails!

76 Date: 1999-12-05 14:02:13
CALZ,Shnitz,GOOB ( / no homepage) wrote:

Hey guyss n galss... just writing a quick one to say we love and miss you guys sooooo much..... things actually picked up with our lives tonight... BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!!!! AHH YEHH ANDDDD *NEWSFLASH* ...... c-lz'S tits shrunk... she's wearing my minimiser (taking that from g-bz or s--itz) :))) thought we'd make you guys laugh a bit.... well we were meant to be quick so we off d00000ddss.... enjoy it and keep in touch.... miss you.... love always CALZ...Shnitz...GOOB

75 Date: 1999-12-05 08:22:44
jo ( / no homepage) wrote:

allz gav stoff langz rossy gav stoff brettles greglles wayney and i keep on goign blank so who ever i left out forgive me... ahhh and dillz! haha missing u so much thinking of u always jojo


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