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Growlithe pics!

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Greetings, Pokémon fans...
Welcome to my tribute to a wonderful Pokémon.
A Pokémon whose loyalty and bravery has gone almost unnoticed by all but the most loyal die-hard Team Rocket fans. I am talking, of course, about the wonderful Growlithe.
Not just any old Growlithe though, this site is dedicated to the best Growlithe in the world.

Thanx for taking the time to visit my site, and I hope you find it enlightening in your opinion of Growlithe everywhere.
I admit I may get a little sidetracked, but I'll try to keep it on the subject of Growlie, instead of turning it into another James Worshipping site.

Be sure to sign my guestbook below or send me a private e-mail with your thoughts and suggestions. I'll be updating when I get new info, so please check back often.

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Howling Growlie. Aaaawww....sweet.

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